Page 7 - Wilmington VG
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Southern Living recently named Wilmington, NC a “City on the Rise.”
The city’s scenic two-mile Riverwalk offers views of Battleship NORTH
CAROLINA and breathtaking sunsets as you browse boutiques and enjoy fresh
coastal cuisine on and beyond the award-winning riverfront.
Rich in historic charm, the 230-block Fort Fisher or Jungle Rapids Family
National Register Historic District Fun Park.
extending from the Riverwalk delivers Immerse yourself in a thriving arts scene
brick-lined streets traversed by horse- through galleries, historic theaters and
drawn carriage and trolley tours, moss- performing arts centers.
draped live oaks and Victorian Take a river cruise, ghost walk, haunted
and period architecture worthy of its pub crawl or horse-drawn carriage
historic district designation. tour of historic homes in the 230-block
Wilmington is the ideal starting point downtown Historic District.
for a trip, offering a thriving arts and Taste the fresh, coastal flavors in the
entertainment scene, galleries and best of waterfront and outdoor dining as
many locally owned restaurants, in one the sun sets over the Cape Fear River or
historic city. rises over the beaches.
Just minutes from Wilmington you’ll find Dance the night away to famed
three island beaches – Carolina Beach,
Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach – musical acts at a riverfront or lakeside
each with its own style and flair. amphitheater, or sip your favorite
This is not your average coastal beverage at a lively speakeasy, brewpub,
vacation as you won’t find common or rooftop or island tiki bar.
pre-packaged vacations here. Wilmington Sign up for a sailing or surfing lesson,
and its island beaches are especially dive into the undersea world or just relax
well-suited for mid-week and off-season by the Atlantic Ocean.
excursions when accommodations and Pedal river-to-sea bikeways, hike the
amenities offer opportunities for greater scenic trails at two state parks and hit the
savings and accessibility. Ale Trail after the adventure.
Explore beautiful gardens and Historic Wilmington along with our
museums recounting area history at Airlie nearby island beaches promise no two
Gardens, Fort Fisher State Historic Site, vacations are alike. Come for a stay that
Wilmington Railroad Museum and Cape includes the year-round vibrancy of sights,
Fear Museum of History and Science. sounds and tastes or find greater savings
Visit celebrated attractions such as the and accessibility off-season. No matter the
Battleship NORTH CAROLINA, Cameron season, discover the best of the Carolina
Art Museum, North Carolina Aquarium at coast – all in one place.
WilmingtonNCV • 866-534-0845