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                          WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH

    Island Beaches

        Kure Beach is where you’ll find the   to an uninhabited island for a private
      kind of small-town beach you visited   dinner catered by celebrated local chefs.
      as a kid. Enjoy the beautiful natural   This vibrant beach town and walkable
      surroundings and relaxed pace at Fort   island offers great beach boutiques, surf
      Fisher State Recreation Area or from   shops and nearby open-air shopping
      the seaside swings at Ocean Front Park.   villages, fresh-to-table dining options
      Explore two of the state’s top attractions:   and plenty of nightlife.
      Fort Fisher State Historic Site and North     Perhaps the best thing about our island
      Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher. It’s easy
      to see why this family-friendly beach town   beaches is that you can enjoy all there is
      is a welcoming oasis.              to do at any of the beaches with a historic
        Discover what it means to beach better   riverfront city just minutes away. No other
      at Wrightsville Beach, where you can   East Coast coastal destination has so much
      participate in a variety of watersports and   to do in such close proximity. This is so
      cruises on its crystal blue waters. Indulge   much better than just another expected
      in the amenities found in oceanfront   beach vacation. It is truly the best of the
      resorts and vacation rentals, then venture   Carolina coast.

                    WilmingtonNCV • 866-534-0845
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