Page 27 - Athens New Comers Guide 2023
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Education of Ancient Greece
Education Built on the Classic
cademics flourish with outstanding local board of education where school Foundation, robust art and music
A public and private schools and districts gain flexibility from most state programs are supported by Athens’
regulations in exchange for increased
colleges and universities. Students
have opportunities to participate in student achievement goals. creative communities. Organizations
such as AthFest Educates, Athens-Clarke
educational programs and to earn college County Leisure Services, and even
credits with University of Georgia, Athens The district is also home to the Athens
Technical College, University of North Community Career Academy which, homegrown rock band Widespread Panic
Georgia, and Piedmont University. in partnership with Athens Technical provide learning opportunities in the
College, offers an innovative environment fine arts to create spaces for students to
CLARKE COUNTY for high school students to receive apply and connect skills across all areas
SCHOOL DISTRICT career-focused, college-level courses. of learning.
The Clarke County School District The academy has state-of-the-art
(CCSD) serves 13,000 students across electronic classrooms, a student- Our schools thrive on robust
21 schools, providing every child with managed cafe, and a food court for collaborations among educators,
rigorous academic programs and students. Program offerings include
innovative environments. The district’s accounting, cosmetology, criminal justice, parents, businesses, and civic
mission is to ensure every graduate early childhood education, engineering, organizations, including partnerships
is college and career ready and in a nursing, and welding. with local organizations such as the
position to succeed — that they are Athens Area Chamber of Commerce,
ready to lead, become agents of change, Additionally, the district provides high- Foundation for Excellence in Public
and positively impact their communities. quality education and support services to Education, Books for Keeps, and
pregnant women, infants, and preschool Envision Athens. These partners
The District renewed its status as a children at its two Early Learning Centers. share a commitment to educational
charter system in July 2022. CCSD is The goal of these programs is to fully
one of 49 charter systems across the engage parents in the educational achievement for today’s students and the
state. A charter system is one of three process so that students are able to preparedness of tomorrow’s workforce.
governance models the State of Georgia experience school success.
requires school districts to select. Clarke County School District
Charter systems operate between Honored as one of the Best Communities 595 Prince Ave., Athens, GA 30601
the State Board of Education and the for Music Education from the NAMM (706) 546-7721 |
Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • (706) 549-6800 Education 23