Page 28 - Athens New Comers Guide 2023
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CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL Youth Challenge Program sites. CLARKE COUNTY
Foothills Education Charter High School And, the school offers a transfer SCHOOL DISTRICT
is a welcoming place for students who credit opportunity for students
cannot work on a high school diploma who want to earn credits to transfer
during the traditional school day. back to their home school so they
Foothills offers an option for high can graduate with their peers.
school-aged students who wish to earn
an accredited Georgia High School Foothills Education Charter High
Diploma. Classes are offered 4 to 9 p.m. School is fully accredited by the
Mondays through Thursdays. Georgia Accrediting Commission
and Cognia as a K-12 public
Courses are mastery-based, which charter school.
means students cannot fail a course.
Foothills offers a variety of course Clarke Foothills
formats, including textbook and web- 440-3 Dearing Ext. | Athens, GA 30606
based instruction. One thing that makes (706) 353-1172 |
Foothills successful is the student support Barrow Foothills
team, which includes mentors for each 985 Austin Rd.
student, graduation coaches, counselors, Winder, GA 30680 | (770) 867-1711
and social workers.
Fifteen locations across the North-Middle DISTRICTS Oglethorpe County School System
Georgia region offer a full range of high Barrow County School System 735 Athens Rd. | Lexington, GA 30648
school courses in a self-paced format. 179 W. Athens St. | Winder, GA 30680 (706) 743-8128 |
Tuition is free for school-aged students (770) 867-4527 |
who enroll at Foothills full-time. Foothills Walton County Public Schools
also has a 100-percent virtual site serving Oconee County School System 200 Double Springs Church Rd.
students across the state. Foothills serves P.O. Box 146, 34 School St. | Watkinsville, GA 30677 Monroe, GA 30656
students in three state prisons and two (706) 769-5130 | (770) 266-4520 |
24 Education Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • (706) 549-6800