Page 31 - Athens New Comers Guide 2023
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Prince Avenue Christian School

        Prince Avenue Christian School       The fine arts department is recognized   a wide range of technologies: devices,
        provides a comprehensive college     by the Shuler Awards for exceptional   operating systems, and applications.
        preparatory education from a Biblical   performances, has placed first in region   Accredited through Cognia.
        worldview for students in PreK-3 through   and second in state for the GHSA
        12th grade. With an average enrollment   One-Act Play, and was the 2021 Region      958 Epps Bridge Pkwy. | Athens, GA 30606
        of 840 students, the school offers a   Literary Champion. Prince athletics      (706) 543-1621 |
        wide selection of core and elective   teams have won multiple GHSA region
        classes with comprehensive fine arts   and state championships. The school is
        and athletic programs in lower, middle,   accredited by the Southern Association of   HIGHER EDUCATION
        and high school. Lower school students   Independent Schools and the Association   Since 1958, Athens Technical College
        scored 97 percent higher than the ACSI   of Christian Schools International.    has served citizens by providing quality
        national average in standardized testing,      2201 Ruth Jackson Rd. | Bogart, GA 30622  educational programs in an 11-county
        and Prince is the only high school in the      (678) 726-2300 |  service area. The college offers more than
        greater Athens area that offers 43 hours                                 190 program specializations in business,
        of dual high school and college credits   St. Joseph (SJS) Catholic Parish   health, technical, and manufacturing-
        on campus.                           School, founded in 1949, is dedicated    related areas. Students attend Athens
                                             to serving students in PreK to 8th    Technical College on four campuses
                                                                                 (Athens-Clarke, Elbert, Greene, Walton),
                                             grade by developing the whole child,    plus career academies, adult learning
                                             in partnership with families, using a   centers, through business and industry,
                                             hands-on approach to teaching and   and continuing education opportunities.
                                             learning that supports academic and   Athens Technical College is an Equal
                                             social/emotional growth. Multiple   Opportunity Institution and a unit of the
                                             academic, fine arts, extracurricular, and   Technical College System of Georgia.
                                             service-learning opportunities are on
                                             campus. A resource teacher is onsite for      800 U.S. Hwy. 29 N., Athens, GA 30601-1500
                                             support and enrichment and there is      (706) 355-5000 |
                                             after-school care until 6 p.m. Intensive
                                             Spanish language instruction classes are   The University of North Georgia,
         Athens Montessori School            presented in all grades. SJS students use   with more than 18,000 students on five
                                                                                 campuses and online, is one of the state’s
                                                                                 largest public universities. The university
                                                                                 offers more than 100 programs including
                                                                                 certificates, associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s
                                                                                 degrees, and doctoral programs. UNG’s
                                                                                 Oconee campus combines the resources
                                                                                 of a large academic institution with a
                                                                                 small-campus environment. With almost
                                                                                 2,300 students, the Oconee campus
                                                                                 gives students the opportunity to forge
                                                                                 strong connections with classmates and
                                                                                 receive individualized attention from
                                                                                 professors. Incoming freshmen can
                                                                                 begin college on the Oconee campus
                                                                                 and complete an associate’s degree that
                                                                                 seamlessly transitions to the Gainesville

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