Page 37 - Athens New Comers Guide 2023
P. 37

Exceptional and Compassionate
                  Healthcare                     Care for Athenians

                ward-winning medical         Today, Piedmont Athens Regional is   hundreds of medical students from the
        A      professionals and facilities    committed to providing accessible   Augusta University/University of Georgia
                                                                                 Medical Partnership.
               are within reach here in The
                                             healthcare by making seamless
        Classic City. Two state-of-the-art,    connections between patients and
        nonprofit hospitals call Athens home,    providers. To support this commitment,        1199 Prince Ave. | Athens, GA 30606
                                                                                    (706) 475-7000 |
        as do numerous private practices. The   in 2022 Piedmont Athens opened a
        medical community here is equipped to   $194 million patient tower with state-of-
        administer everything from emergency   the-art technology to deliver convenient           ST. MARY’S HEALTH
        treatment to chronic pain relief to   care to patients from across the region.  CARE SYSTEM
        intricate surgeries and beyond.                                          Founded in 1906, St. Mary’s is Athens’
                                             Piedmont Athens Regional is proud    first hospital. Today, it is much more
                                             to be the official healthcare provider
                PIEDMONT ATHENS                                                  than a hospital. It is a healthcare ministry
             REGIONAL MEDICAL                for the University of Georgia Athletic    that includes three hospitals, numerous
                CENTER                       Association. The hospital also serves    physician practices, the region’s first
                                             as an educational training site for   medical residency program, one of the
        Piedmont Athens Regional is one of                                       state’s pioneering home healthcare/
        northeast Georgia’s largest nonprofit                                    hospice services, a retirement community,
        hospitals. The 427-bed, acute care                                       extensive outpatient services, and more.
        hospital joined the Piedmont family in                                   It has been a Catholic healthcare system
        2016 and features a regional Level II                                    since 1938 and today is part of Trinity
        trauma center and Level III neonatal ICU.                                Health, one of the nation’s largest Catholic
                                                                                 healthcare ministries. St. Mary’s has grown
        Founded by physicians in 1919, the                                       to include:
        hospital has garnered national acclaim
        in patient experience, comprehensive                                     •  196-bed St. Mary’s Hospital
        cardiac care including open heart                                           on Baxter Street in Athens
        and thoracic surgery, orthopedics,                                       •  56-bed St. Mary’s Sacred Heart
        neurosciences, minimally invasive                                           Hospital in Lavonia
        surgeries, obstetrics and gynecology,                                    •  25-bed St. Mary’s Good Samaritan
        pediatrics, oncology, and gastroenterology.                                 Hospital in Greensboro

            Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • (706) 549-6800                      Healthcare  33
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