Page 69 - Athens New Comers Guide 2023
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lanes, plus more than 4,000 bike racks
                                                                                 throughout the city.
                                                                                 Athens is a rare combination of natural
                                                                                 beauty and outdoor activities combined
                                                                                 with a strong sense of ecological
                                                                                 awareness and whole-hearted
                                                                                 community commitment to the
                                                                                 preservation of the environment.
                                                                                 When you’re needing fresh air, find
                                                                                 it in our unforgettable natural lands
                                                                                 and parks. For more information on
                                                                                 Athens Leisure Services, parks and
                                                                                 facilities, and exciting events, visit

                                                                                         ECLECTIC +
                                                                                      BOUTIQUE SHOPPING
                                                                                 Being a city fueled by the arts, Athenians
                                                                                 are fastidious about fashion. While game
                                                                                 days are known for the Southern prep
        exhibits non-releasable Georgia native   and UGA Golf Course. Golfweek named   look (lots of red and black!), Athens is
        wildlife, including American black bears,   the UGA Golf Course the #5 Best Public   chic. Spend a day discovering our one-
        American alligators, and owls.       Course in Georgia in 2021.          of-a-kind Athens shops ranging from
                                             The ACC Leisure Services Department   independent and eclectic boutiques in
        Golfers and occasional players alike will   maintains 43 miles of trails throughout   downtown Athens, Prince Avenue, and
        enjoy the beautifully manicured fairways   the community that can be used for   Normaltown. Get your Bulldog gear at
        and challenging greens the area has to   walking, hiking, and biking. Athens is a   Tailgate Georgia, shop the trends at
        offer. Notable area golf courses include   designated bike-friendly community and   Empire South, or find the perfect page-
        Athens Country Club, The Georgia Club,   provides miles of well-maintained bike   turner at an Avid Bookshop.

            Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • (706) 549-6800                    Things to Do  65
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