Page 65 - Athens New Comers Guide 2023
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        Athens is experiencing a revving up of   Creativity and culture permeate everything   Athens Cultural
        its culture – with new places to shop,   in Athens. The performing arts are alive   Celebrations
        eat, drink, and be merry. It’s all here to   and thriving at places like The Classic
        experience, but now there’s more: an   Center, UGA’s Performing Arts Center, The
        upscale steakhouse in the Five Points   Morton Theatre, Athens Creative Theatre,   The official state museum of
        neighborhood, healthy comfort food, wine   and East Athens Educational Dance   art, Georgia Museum of Art is
        and apertivo-focused bar, Ecuadorian   Center. Broadway productions combine   celebrating its 75th anniversary in
        brewed coffee. Yum.                 with movie complexes and alternative    2023. In honor, art aficionados can
        Walk through downtown,  FUN                                                      cinemas that    enjoy captivating blog stories on its
                                                 More than 100 bars, restaurants
                                                                                  history and future, an interactive
                                                                                         bring the
                                                  and shops are tucked into the
        Normaltown, Five Points,    FACT                                                  world to    visitor response wall, “March
        or any of Athens’ vibrant                 walkable city blocks.           Madness,” and social media
        neighborhoods and it’s easy                                               voting for favorite works of art.
        to see why Southern Living has      The Morton Theatre is one of the first, and
        named The Classic City one of “The    the oldest surviving vaudeville theatre in   Founded in 1945, Georgia Museum
        South’s Best Food Cities.” With more than   the United States, owned by an African-  of Art at University of Georgia
        600 area restaurants, Athens’ diverse food   American entrepreneur in 1910 and now   houses a permanent collection of
        scene is an eclectic culinary masterpiece.   listed in the National Register of Historic   works of art and more than 20 art
                                            Places. The Morton operates as a rental   exhibitions a year. The Jane and
        There are numerous award-winning    facility hosting live theatre, music concerts,   Harry Willson Sculpture Garden
        restaurants in Athens offering      church services, weddings, community   hosts rotating exhibitions of work
        internationally inspired dishes to   events, and more. The theatre, which
        great acclaim. From soul food spots to   seats 500, is a unit of the Arts and Nature   by women sculptors. Strengths
        pizza parlors, barbecue joints to tasty   Programs Division of Athens-Clarke   include American painting, works on
        taquerias, and internationally influenced   County’s Leisure Services Department   paper, Southern decorative arts,
        bistros to health-conscious cafés, Athens   and is managed by the nonprofit Morton   and self-taught art, as well as works
        area restaurants have plenty of flavor   Theatre Corporation.             by African American artists and a
        and character.                                                            Samuel H. Kress Study Collection
                                            Visitors can also stroll through a gallery   of Renaissance and Baroque art.
        Visit Athens Farmers Markets. The Saturday    of stimulating paintings and sculptures,   Always free with timed ticketing
        market at Bishop Park is the larger of two   or be inspired by talented musicians   entry. Open Tuesday through Sunday.
        at 705 Sunset Dr. and is open from 8 a.m.   playing rock, country, jazz, roots music,
        to noon with more than 40 vendors. The   and more across town. It’s no wonder   UGA East Campus in the
        Wednesday market is a smaller market    Athens is annually touted as one of the   Performing and Visual
        at Creature Comforts Brewing Co. from    top destinations for arts and culture in   Arts Complex
        5 to 8 p.m. with 15-plus vendors.   the Southeast.                        90 Carlton St., Athens, GA 30602
                                                                                  (706) 542-4662 |

                                                                                  The films and arts programs
                                                                                  shown and delivered by Ciné
                                                                                  are widely recognized. Ciné’s
                                                                                  vital role in Athens cultural life
                                                                                  was recognized in 2022 as one of
                                                                                  10 centers honored by the annual
                                                                                  Georgia Governor’s Award for the
                                                                                  Arts and Humanities. As a nonprofit
                                                                                  organization, Ciné is operated
                                                                                  under the stewardship of an all-
                                                                                  volunteer board with The Athens
                                                                                  Film Arts Institute. Ciné reflects and
                                                                                  celebrates the complex tapestry of
                                                                                  the Athens area with the mission
                                                                                  to inspire, educate, and build
                                                                                  community through art and culture.

                                                                                  234 West Hancock Ave.
                                                                                  Athens, GA 30601
                                                                                  (706) 353-3343 |
         The Place Restaurant

            Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • (706) 549-6800                    Things to Do  61
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