Page 61 - Athens New Comers Guide 2023
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Athens native and UGA alumnus Joel Harber            Students from UGA’s new Master of Fine Arts
        is the CEO of Athena Studios. He is also             in Film, Television and Digital Media program
        the president of commercial real estate              and its Entertainment and Media Studies
        development firm Reynolds Capital. With years        undergraduate degree program are using
        of experience in commercial real estate, Harber      Athena Studios’ student space. MFA Film and TV
        noticed a defining opportunity to bring the film     Production students moved from their former
        industry to Athens.                                  2,000-square-foot space on campus into the
                                                             new learning center
        “I noticed big sound stage complexes started         at Athena Studios.
        popping up around Atlanta and I was curious,
        why not here in Athens?” said Harber. “The                             Athena is the patron
        building designs, site plan, everything is                             goddess of artisans
        purpose built and is based on several years of                            and craftsmen.
        research. We let the industry guide us on what
        they wanted and that’s what we’ve delivered.”        “The learning center is a huge recruiting tool
                                                             for UGA’s film program. To get the most talented
        Promoting higher education in film studies is        students, we need to have top-rated facilities,”
        another factor that sets this facility apart.        Harber said. Real world internships with film
        Athena Studios has dedicated a 14,600 square-        and television companies will be available
        foot soundstage and learning center for              and UGA and GFA students will be able to
        exclusive use by UGA and the Georgia Film            intern close to school – literally only hundreds
        Academy, to educate and train their film students.     of feet away.

                                                             “We’re building the physical assets and
                                                             incorporating education as well for the future.
                                                             We’re building a full ecosystem for the film
                                                             industry here in Athens,” Harber said. He added
                                                             that Athena is talking with major Hollywood
                                                             studios to be the first ones to utilize the
                                                             new soundstages this spring, bringing these
                                                             opportunities closer to the people and the
                                                             students of Athens.

                       “It’s such a great opportunity for our students. I can’t find any other
                  program in the country that has this kind of access that we’re going to have.”

                       –Jay Hamilton, UGA Entertainment and Media Studies Professor at Grady
                       College of Journalism and Mass Communication. Source: WSB-TV Atlanta

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