Page 58 - Athens New Comers Guide 2023
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staff, and faculty throughout the campus.   Continuing with a theme of convenience,   facility that includes covered bus bays
        Bus and disabled student transportation   the Multimodal Transportation Center   and climate-controlled waiting areas,
        services are provided on a no-fare basis   links Athens Transit System vehicles,   restrooms, a passenger drop-off area,
        (a one-time fee is collected along with   University of Georgia buses, bicycles, taxis,    a ticket/information booth, and bicycle
        student tuition                                                                    and pedestrian    storage. A pedestrian bridge connects the
                                                                                           facilities into
        and other                     All Transit rides in Athens-Clarke County          bus transfer facility to downtown Athens
                                                                                and a parking garage, which is shared with
                                         are currently FREE, including on-demand
        student fees).    FUN                                                              a single hub.       the Classic Center, the Athens convention
        arrangement   FACT                                                                 The facility also    and performing arts facility.
                                         service in North Athens and on Saturday
        Through an
                                                                                          also serves
        between the                   and Sunday evenings system-wide.          Athens is also served by Greyhound Bus
                                                                                        as a community
        University and the                  bridge that connects downtown Athens   Lines, which provides travel from Athens
        Athens-Clarke County government, UGA   with the North Oconee River Greenway.   to numerous other Greyhound locations
        students, staff, and faculty may also ride   As a major hub for transportation in the   across the U.S. Athens residents are
        Athens Transit buses fare-free with a valid   city, the Center features 9,500 square   served by the station at Southeastern
        UGA I.D.                            feet of interior space and a bus transfer   Stages, 4020 Atlanta Hwy., Bogart, GA.
                                                                                    NORTH 194
                                                                          65      CAROLINA (Miles)    Spartanburg,
                                                                         (Miles)                       CAROLINA
                                                                Atlanta,                                 95
                                                                        from Athens             to Major


                                                             Birmingham,219                     255    Charleston,
                                                                                                          Port of

                                                               ALABAMA (Miles)                   (Miles)  CAROLINA

                                                                       90    Macon,              225

                                                                      (Miles)  GEORGIA            (Miles)  Port of


                                                                                                (Miles)  Port of
                                                                                    Jacksonville, 343
                                                                                       Port of
                                                                                     FLORIDA     (Miles)

     54    Business and Industry                        Athens Area Chamber of Commerce • • (706) 549-6800
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