Page 31 - Blairsville NCG 2024
P. 31

Trahlyta Falls at Vogel State Park                                                                         THINGS   TO   DO

        Kids, Go Play Outside

        T    he Southern Appalachian landscape   point at half a mile above the surrounding   more strenuous hikes. There are more trails

             is old and has evolved through
                                            valleys. Lake Winfield Scott, and many
                                                                                and camping at the U.S. Forest Service
             ancient geological processes and
        millions of years of weathering and   other spectacular locations give outdoor   recreation area.
                                            seekers plenty of places to backpack, fish,
                                                                                  Head to Suches for a half-mile hike to
        climatic changes. When you explore the   and camp.                      misty Sea Creek Falls in the Chattahoochee
        rivers, forests, and mountaintops, you’re                               National Forest. Its sometimes swampy
        in an exceptionally diverse place to see       Trails: EASY             paths have brilliant wildflowers in season
        indigenous plants and animals.                                          and birdsong all year.
          Stoke the soul by feeling the mist of     Lake Winfield Scott Trail is high in a
        cascading waterfalls. Step into world-class   mountain valley. The almost-one-mile
        hiking and trail riding. Relax in the city   trail loops around Lake Winfield Scott.   Snow usually occurs
        parks and nature preserves all around   See seasonal wildflowers and breathe in
        you and witness spectacular sunsets and   the grandeur of the scenery.            several times a year.
        sunrises that rival any around the world.    The 0.6-mile accessible trail in the   The average annual
          Blairsville is touched by the Appalachian   Dockery Lake Recreation Area offers   snowfall is four inches.
        Trail. Brasstown Bald is Georgia’s highest   beautiful views and is a great alternative to
         (877) 745-5789 •                                                             27
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