Page 33 - Blairsville NCG 2024
P. 33

Here in Blairsville, Meeks Park includes
        the 0.7-mile, all-ages-friendly Butternut
        Creek loop trail.                                                                                          THINGS   TO   DO

                  Trails: MODERATE

          A trail linking two cherished areas is
        the Reece Heritage Farm to Vogel State Park
        Trail. It’s about three miles from the farm
        to the park, so plan for a shuttle with your
        group. Or do the full six miles there and
        back after a picnic. Enjoy ample shade
        and close-up experiences with distinctive
        mountain ecology.
          Immerse yourself in a part of the
        Appalachian Trail at Wolf Laurel Top. It’s
        an out-and-back hike of 4.2 miles. Hike
        through the Raven Cliffs Wilderness from     A magnificent view from Flatrock Gap   great chance to see area wildlife. After
        Testnatee Gap and west over Cow Rock   makes the 5.7-mile Freeman Trail a Can’t   your easy introduction, get ready for a
        Mountain to the Wolf Laurel Ridge. This   Miss with superior views, easy stream   climb in the second half of the hike to
        one is more strenuous at the outset and   crossings, and rocky outcroppings. See   Coosa Bald via Cooper’s Creek Wildlife
        more moderate toward the end.       hardwoods, rhododendron, and many   Management Area.
          Bear Hair Gap is a 4.1-mile trail at Vogel   birds along the journey.
        State Park. Begin at the Visitor Center                                   On a clear day you can see the
        onward to the Lake Trahlyta overlook.         Trails: STRENUOUS         Atlanta skyline to the south from the
        Stream crossings and a pass through the                                 top of Blood Mountain via Byron Reece
        Suches community come with seasonal     The first mile or so of the Duncan Ridge   Trail. It’s a strenuous 4.3 miles ascending
        wildflowers, bird calls, and a possible black   Trail is mostly flat. This 4-mile out-and-  to the views. At the mountaintop there
        bear sighting.                      back trail provides remarkable views and a   is a stone shelter built by the Civilian

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