Page 29 - The Anchor
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                                                                Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
                                                                Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and operates
                                   The Golden Isles is one of
                                                                an adult education program for individuals seeking
                               Coastal Pines Technical College’s
                                                                their general education diploma.
                               seven campuses in Southeast
             Coastal Pines     Georgia, offering associate
             Technical College                                      TROY UNIVER SIT Y – BRUNSWICK
                               degrees, diplomas, and
                                                                                      While Troy University’s
             technical certificates as well as continuing education
                                                                                  main campus is in Troy, Ala.,
             opportunities, economic development services, and
                                                                                  it has support centers in other
             adult education services.                          Troy University   cities, including Brunswick.
                                                                – Brunswick
                Focused on workforce development and
                                                                                  Online courses leading to
             providing for the lifelong learning needs of       degrees are available at the Brunswick Center,
             communities, businesses, and industries, Coastal   with dedicated staff to assist students in enrollment

             Pines works with area industries for specific      and course follow-through. With more than 175,000
             workforce training and educates students to be     alumni worldwide, Troy offers over 90 degree
             prepared for the highly skilled jobs of the future.   programs, and most can be completed online.
             Coastal Pines offers dual enrollment opportunities   The university also offers a dual enrollment

             through the Glynn County School System, private    program so that high school students can earn
             schools, and home schools. It is accredited by the   college credits.
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