Page 30 - The Anchor
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              BEST                                                                                                                        Photo: Steve Kendall

                                                                                                        Cannon’s Point Preserve
                                                                 Plantation Wildlife                   The St. Simons Land Trust protects
                     PLACES                                   More than 3,900 acres of wildlife         644 acres of an old fish camp, dirt
                                                                 Management Area
                                                                                                        roads and trails along a saltwater
                                                                management area give access             creek and marshes. There is also
                        TO GO                                 hunting opportunities, trails and          a non-motorized boat launch,
                                                                                                         a pavilion and learning center,
                                                               to the Altamaha River, known as
                                                               Georgia’s Amazon, fishing and
                                                                                                          and the ruins of a circa-1800s
                                                                                                               plantation home.
                                                               wildlife viewing locations, and a
                OUT                                           restored native garden originally
                                                                 planted by Cator Woolford,
                                                               founder of Equifax, in the 1930s.


                       Sunshine beams on the
                   coast of Georgia most days
                     of the year. The invitation
                  to go outdoors comes from
                                                                                                Photo: Explore Georgia                    Photo: Explore Georgia
                   all around the Golden Isles.
                             Hikers, bikers, and
                          explorers have scores
                                of choice spots.
                                                                 Hofwyl-Broadfield                         Jekyll Island Trails
                                                                  Plantation State
                                                                     Historic Site                        The miles of multi-use trails
                                                                                                           that wind their way around
                                                               The golden-brown marshes that              Jekyll Island connect hotels,
                                                              give the Golden Isles its name are         shops and restaurants, and the
                                                              on full display along the trails that       historic district via primitive
                                                              wind through the maritime forest           and paved sections. Ride along
                                                               from the old plantation home.               the beach, veer off into the
                                                               Learn about the history of rice            woods, and emerge for lunch
                                                              cultivation on the property and in             at the Beach Village.
                                                                     Coastal Georgia.

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