Page 31 - The Anchor
P. 31


                   Driftwood Beach                             Gould’s Inlet
                 On Jekyll Island’s north end               The Back River pours out
                  overlooking the St. Simons               of the marshes and into the
                Sound and the Atlantic Ocean,              Atlantic Ocean on the north
                 witness the power of nature,               end of St. Simons Island’s
                where centuries of erosion have            beach at Gould’s Inlet. It is
                left a starkly beautiful stand of          a popular place to launch a
               petrified oak trees emerging from         kayak or standup paddle board
                the sand. It is a favorite spot for       and is a great spot for fishing.
                 local photographers and was
               even featured in episodes of The
               Walking Dead television program.
                                                                                                                                    Photo: Explore Georgia

               Little St. Simons Island                         Lover’s Oak                        St. Simons Island Trails
                   The resort island offers              This 900-year-old oak tree at the          More than 30 miles of paved
                 overnight stays and day trips           intersection of Albany and Prince          bike paths encircle the Island,
               that provide visitors a great way          streets in Historic Downtown              connecting shopping/dining
                to see the primitive forests and          Brunswick is a must-see and a             villages, parks, beach, marsh
                 unaltered beaches of Coastal            popular selfie spot. The tree gets         and neighborhoods. There is
                  Georgia the way they were              its name from a Native American             almost nowhere you would
                before modern development.                 legend about young lovers                need to go on St. Simons that
                                                         rendezvousing under its shade.            you couldn’t get there by bike.
                                                                                                     Didn’t bring your bike? No
                                                                                                    worries! Rentals are available.

                                                                    Brunswick-Golden Isles Community Magazine  •  The Anchor  •  25
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