Page 29 - Burke County NC
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Burke County
The East Burke High Class of 2024 marked the 50th year
of Cavalier graduations.
magine that every student is a future Burke County Public Schools has four traditional high North Carolina School of
entrepreneur, firefighter, artist, doctor, or airplane schools, one middle college, one alternative school, Science and Mathematics
mechanic, and infinitely more. Burke County five middle schools, 14 elementary schools, and one
Ihas 26 schools that are the centers of top-notch special needs school. Students benefit from a broad
education for children who are pre-kindergarten to and rigorous academic curriculum that provides is one of the top two public high schools in America
high school graduating seniors. enhanced educational opportunities through the according to the school ranking site.
STEAM Academy (Science, Technology, Engineering,
Burke County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Art/Agriculture, and Math), Advanced Placement
Mike Swan underscores the importance of three and Honors courses for students, Project Lead the Burke County is home to several educational
primary goals in the Burke County School system: Way, and Career and Technical Education. Students institutions, from top-rated early learning centers to
Academic Opportunities for All, All-around have a chance to earn credentials and certificates in high school equivalency programs, Christian schools,
Well-being, and All Schools Connected to fields such as food, agriculture, nursing, construction, and classical education academies.
the Community. and firefighting.
The vision of Burke County Public Schools is to Burke Middle College High School continuously Higher Education
Western Piedmont Community College is a
be a model of exemplary education by inspiring all brings home an "A" for performance grade scores comprehensive, two-year public institution serving as
students to be lifelong learners who will contribute in the state’s School Report Cards. Burke’s schools a transformational community leader that empowers
to our community. are nationally and globally competitive, earning top all individuals to achieve success. With a focus on
spots in archery, music, and academic competitions.
equitable access and success, learning outcomes,
North Carolina School of Science & Mathematics completion and transfer, and post-graduate
educates academically talented high school juniors outcomes, WPCC offers a wide range of academic
and seniors to become state and global leaders in programs, continuing education opportunities,
science, technology, engineering, and math. The and support services to meet the diverse needs of
Morganton campus, which opened in 2022, is an students and the surrounding region.
expansion from the Durham campus and serves 300 As part of the North Carolina Community College
residential students who study a specialized System, WPCC serves approximately 2,200 students
curriculum emphasizing science and who are enrolled to pursue college transfer degrees,
mathematics alongside humanities courses, associate degrees, certificates, and diplomas. More
athletics, and extracurricular opportunities – than 2,700 students enroll in continuing education for
tuition free. Atop a beautiful mountain ridge, professional development and personal enrichment.
the Morganton campus of NCSSM graduated WPCC also serves 200 students in programs for
its first class in 2024 and welcomes its third adults to complete high school and/or improve
class this fall! The campus also hosts summer English communications skills.
programming for hundreds more students from
North Carolina and beyond. There are more than 100 degrees, diplomas, and
certificates in programs of study offered to dually
“This senior class is like no other. They took enrolled high school students and adults. The
a brave risk to be the very first to come to this Workforce and Continuing Education division offers
campus in Morganton and extend the legacy
that NCSSM has built over 40 years,” said Kevin (Continued on Page 26)
Baxter, Vice Chancellor & Chief Campus Officer,
NCSSM-Morganton. For more schools and colleges in Burke
For the fourth year, NCSSM is ranked the No. 1 public County, see the Membership Directory in
high school in North Carolina – and for the third year this magazine. Education 25