Page 10 - Coffee County Board of Education - Recruitment Brochure
P. 10

       Ambrose                                                                                Positive Behavioral

                                                                                              Interventions &
                                                                                              Ambrose Elementary staff

                                                                                              Behavioral Interventions and
                                                                                              Supports (PBIS) framework,
            Elementary School                                                                 have implemented the Positive
                                                                                              which, along with other
                                                                                              initiatives, can reduce
                                                                                              unnecessary discipline and
                                                                                              promote a climate of greater
           3753 Vickers Crossing Road  on Earth,” are words that have      One of our most recent   productivity, safety, and learning.
                  Ambrose, GA 31512    been used to describe our rural   accomplishments was
                       912-359-5500    school located in the western   securing a $25,000 grant to
          corner of Coffee County.  build our Cultivation Stations/
               Our highly qualified staff is   Outdoor Classroom. It serves   and secure, and can share
                                       committed to the academic   as a living laboratory where   their emotions.
                                       achievement of all students and   students can engage in       Ambrose values parent
               Our school administration,   meets regularly in Professional   hands-on science inquiries    and community input in the
            teachers, and support staff   Learning Communities to   and design investigations    school decision-making
            are a wonderful family of   analyze data and plan effective   into the natural world.   process through surveys, the
            professionals who care greatly   instruction. Ambrose has 1:1      Ambrose strives to promote   School Governance Council,
            about each student. We     technology (one device per   overall wellness in its students,   and the Parent Teacher
            currently serve 410 students   student) in the classrooms   arranging monthly “Eagle’s   Organization (PTO).
            from pre-kindergarten to 5th   which allows all students to   Nest” meetings with an adult
            grade and have been recognized   enhance their learning. This   advocate. The Eagle’s Nest
            as a Title I Reward School for   resource also provided students   creates a unique non-academic
            seven of the last eight school   access to technology during the   climate and culture in which
            years. “A Little Bit of Heaven   COVID-19 pandemic.   students feel welcome, safe,

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