Page 14 - Coffee County Board of Education - Recruitment Brochure
P. 14
Nicholls Distinction and
Grants Received
• Title I High
Progress School
Education Grant
• Rural Education
Elementary School • Lowe’s Toolbox for
Fund Grant
Activities and
704 Van Streat Highway differentiation, higher order In addition to reading Programs
Nicholls, GA 31554 thinking skills, and project- instruction, teachers also utilize • 5th grade DARE program
912-345-2429 based learning opportunities. data-focused instruction and • Imagine ME program Reading instruction has best practices for all subject • Student Show Choir always been a primary focus areas. They also work to • Quarterly Community
for Nicholls Elementary School. increase rigor with higher order Basketball Tournaments
Our goal is to provide the thinking skills and project-
Established in 1909, Nicholls most innovative and research- based learning opportunities.
Elementary School (NES) based instruction that best Being data-driven is not only Survey data and recognized
is the heart of the Nicholls meets the needs of all a focus for our teachers, but an overarching need for
community. With a new facility students. Kindergarten - third our students as well. We are an emphasis on kindness.
completed in 2018, the school grade teachers have been teaching our students to be Kindness ambassadors were
is proud to have state-of-the-art trained in Growing Readers independent, self-directed put in place and the Rural
Audio Enhancement Technology techniques. Our school also learners who know where they Education Grant was obtained
in every classroom, as well uses an independent reading are in all subject areas. to purchase “Buddy Benches”
as a 1:1 student-computer incentive program based on The leadership team at and other items needed to
ratio. NES works with data- Reading Counts and reading Nicholls Elementary analyzed create a school-wide focus
focused instruction that utilizes Lexile levels. the Student School Climate on kindness.