Page 12 - Coffee County Board of Education - Recruitment Brochure
P. 12

     Eastside                                                                                 SOAR Nine Week

                                                                                              Student character, academics,
                                                                                              leadership, and behavior are all
                                                                                              part of the school’s wellness
                                                                                              to always give their best. The
            Elementary School                                                                 plan which promotes students
                                                                                              school recognizes students in an
                                                                                              ongoing basis through earning
                                                                                              positive behavior points, class and
                                                                                              grade level recognition, as well
                                                                                              as SOAR Nine Week Assemblies.
          603 North McDonald Avenue    beyond the traditional    working both independently   Much of this is possible through
                   Douglas, GA 31533   classroom setting with a   and collaboratively, as well as   the dedicated leadership of the
                       912-384-3187    continued focus on increasing   integrating technology and   school, the active Parent Teacher
                                                                                              Organization board, and an active
         literacy and numeracy.    allowing students to become   School Governing Council.
            Students learn actively through   problem solvers. Eastside is
                                       maintaining our garden boxes,   proud to offer each student
               Eastside Elementary School   offering additions to our student   a Chromebook, a Maker
            is the proud home of the    rock garden, and using the   Space Lab, as well as weekly
            Eagles, where students and   outdoor spaces as an extension   art education.    school climate, leadership,
            staff always aspire to SOAR.   of the learning environment.      Eastside Elementary   family engagement, and
            While Eastside is one of       Eastside faculty’s whole-child   staff participate in ongoing   professional development are
            Coffee County’s largest    teaching philosophy focuses   professional learning, are   all high priorities for the staff
            elementary schools, everyone   on all the developmental and   active participants in school   Every single student has one
            strives to create a warm and   personal needs of students   committees, and work closely   or more active caring adults in
            welcoming environment.     in addition to their academic   together so that all students   the building, which promotes a
               In addition to outstanding   achievements. Teachers   have the best opportunities   sense of safety and support and
            classroom instruction, teachers   actively engage students with   for development and   allows students to feel part of
            extend the learning environment   verbal skills, art, and movement,   accomplishment. Instruction,   the school community.

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