Page 15 - Camden Kershaw 2020
P. 15


                 Parks, Trails and Green Space


                                                                                      Camden Battlefield
                                                                                     and Longleaf Pine
           Conifer Acres -- Ridgeway         playground equipment, restrooms,        Preserve -- Miles of
         Road, Lugoff. Unlighted ball field   and running track. Covered picnic      walking trails in the
         and tot lot.                        area.                                   peaceful forest that
           Copeland Park -- Brown Street,      Seaboard Park -- Laurens              was the location of
         Bethune. Lighted and unlighted      Street Extension, Camden.               the bloody Battle of
         ball fields.                        Softball field, playground,             Camden in 1780.
           Kershaw County West-              recreation center, and restrooms.       Free and open to the
         Complex -- 519 Whitehead              West Wateree Park -- Smith            public during regular
         Road, off U.S. 1 between Lugoff     Road, Lugoff. Lighted ball fields,      business hours (no
         and Elgin. ADA compliant            concession stand, and restrooms.        nighttime admission). No
         and handicapped-accessible            Woodward Park & Sweet Gum             restrooms on site. For
         playground, tennis courts, lighted   Trail -- Ballpark Road, Camden.        more information, visit
         soccer fields, lighted baseball     Lighted soccer field, baseball/
         fields, walking track, shelters,    softball fields, restrooms, and picnic   or call Historic Camden
         restrooms, and benches.             shelter. Trail head for the 2/3 mile    at 803-432-9841.
           Knights Hill Park -- 521 Knights  Sweet Gum Trail is located here.         Historic Camden
         Hill Road, Camden. Unlighted ball                                           Nature Trail -- Walk by
         park, shelter, and playground.         South Carolina Parks                 18th century powder
           Larry Doby Complex --               N.R. Goodale State Park               magazine and earthwork
         Competition Drive, Camden.          -- Lined with cypress trees, the        remains on this half-mile
         Lighted softball fields, soccer     park’s spring-fed lake offers           loop trail, complete with
         fields, T-league fields,            boating, fishing, and hiking            a fishing pond and views
         concessions, and restrooms.         opportunities. Bring your canoe,        of Big Pine Tree Creek.
           Mt. Pisgah Park -- Mount          and paddle through the natural          Fishing license required.
         Pisgah Road, Kershaw. Lighted       habitat of aquatic birds, wildlife,     $5 site admission or
         ball field, football/soccer field,   and plants. Picnic shelters,           membership. 222 Broad
         walking trail, and concession       tables, playground equipment,           St.
         stand.                              and meeting facilities provide            For information, visit
           Science Park -- Park Road,        the perfect setting for family,         www.historiccamden.
         Camden. Model airplane landing      school, and other group                 org or call 803-432-
         strip, and restroom.                gatherings. Goodale is located          9841.
           Scott Park -- Battleship Road.    at 350 Park Road in Camden.
         Walking/jogging track, tennis
         courts, sand volleyball court,

                                                                      2020/2021  s  Discover Camden-Kershaw County  s  25
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