Page 17 - Camden Kershaw 2020
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Historic & Battle Sites Historic & Battle Sites
Battle of Hobkirk’s Hill Camden Archives & Museum
The African American
See the sites of the Revolutionary War Battle Equipped with a large and diverse collection of Cultural Center of Camden
of Hobkirk’s Hill, where on April 25, 1781, under genealogical and historical research materials, the
General Nathanael Greene, the American forces Archives provides a vital link to the heritage and This City of Camden museum highlights the
were defeated. Their strong resistance to Francis history of Camden and Kershaw County. On display rich history of the African American community
Lord Rawdon and his troops took its toll on are exhibits of local and regional history, including of Camden and surrounding areas. Under the
the British, and led to the British evacuation of Camden’s auspices of the Camden Archives & Museum,
Camden ten days later. A free brochure with map original town exhibits are every six months. Open Monday,
is available to assist you in locating the battle site clock, circa Wednesday and Friday 1 pm-4:30 pm and
(Chesnut and Lyttleton streets in Camden) and 1825 and the Saturday 10 am-4 pm. Closed major holidays.
interpreting the action. Ross Beard Admission is free. 517 York St., Camden. For
Weapons more information, call 803-425-6050, email
Collection. The or visit on Facebook
Battle of Boykin’s Mill facility is also @africanamericancamden.
Explore the American home to the
Civil War battle site S.C. Daughters of the American Revolution library.
where local Confederate Group presentations and tours of the facility are Lafayette Cedar Tree / The Camden Oak
forces were outnumbered available with advance arrangements. Staff members
by 2,500 Federal troops are available for research assistance. Open Monday Frenchman Gilbert du Morteir Marquis de Lafayette and Johann Baron de Kalb arrived in South Carolina
including the famous through Friday 8 am-5 pm and Saturday 10 am-4 in 1777 to join American forces in their fight for freedom; de Kalb would be mortally wounded. Lafayette, on
54th Massachusetts pm. Closed on Sunday. Free admission. 1314 Broad a return trip to America, accepted an invitation to lay the cornerstone of a monument to de Kalb in 1825.
Regiment. Although St., Camden. 803-425-6050. www.camdenschistory. He was to stay in a grand mansion so newly completed that
the Confederates were com no landscaping existed. To decorate the grounds, two rows
defeated, their resistance of branches snapped from cedar trees were placed in the
led to heavy losses Bonds Conway House ground. A single cedar which took root still stands today at
for the Federal troops. View the home built by Bonds Conway, believed 1121 Broad St. in front of the Kershaw County Courthouse,
Casualties included the to be the first built after the mansion burned.
last Federal officer to African American The Camden Oak was a sapling as Camden picked itself
lose his life in the war. in Camden to up from the devastation of the American Revolution. It bore
The Battle of Boykin’s Mill was also the last battle purchase his witness to hundreds of years of history and growth. A split-
to be fought in South Carolina. A monument freedom. The house rail fence, informational signs and benches surround the
stands at the Boykin’s Mill complex in memory was built circa 1810, historic tree’s remains at the corner of Meeting and Church
of the soldiers who fought on both sides of the and is located at streets in Camden.
conflict. S.C. 261, Boykin. 811 Fair St.,
Camden. 803-425- Historic Robert Mills Courthouse
For information on the Designed in 1825, the fully restored Historic Robert Mills
Battle of Camden, see Page 30 Courthouse features a copper roof, brick floors, vaulted central
hallway and double arched ceilings downstairs. The second floor
courtroom is restored to conform to the building’s 1845 renovation.
Camden Historic Touring Districts Mills was born and raised in South Carolina and was the first
History is everywhere in Camden, and the city has nine touring districts featuring everything that makes the technically trained architect in the United States. This beautiful
past come alive. From the Colonial District to the Horse Country District, you can tour at your own pace with building now serves as the Welcome Center for Camden and
the Free Download of the Camden Tour App (See page 2 “Where to go ... what to do”).for more information). Kershaw County. It is open Monday through Friday 9 am - noon
Free area map and brochures are available at the Visitor Center, and highlight more than 100 sites, most and 1pm - 5 pm. at 607 Broad Street in Camden. 803-432-2557.
of which are in the National Register of Historic Places. Go to for more Facebook @robertmillscourthouse
information on the touring districts.
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