Page 14 - Camden Kershaw 2020
P. 14

ATTRACTIONS                                                                                                                ATTRACTIONS

               Parks, Trails and Green Space                                                                                              Parks, Trails and Green Space

            City of Camden                                                    off two quadrants. Benches and

        1001 Broad Street Park --                                             decorative lighting.
                                                                                Potter Community Park -- Main
      Broad and Rutledge streets in                                           Street, Elgin. Covered picnic
      Downtown Camden. Benches and                                            shelter, picnic tables, playground
      Visitor kiosk (with information and                                     equipment.
      directional maps).                                                        Powder Magazine Park --
        Archives Park -- Bordered                                             Market Street at Clyburn Lane
      by the Archives and Museum                                              -  This secret garden next to the
      building, Laurens Street, Grace       City Arena Park -- Bull Street.   historic Civil War-era Powder
      Episcopal Church and Laurens        Basketball court, playground        Magazine. Picnic tables, shelter,                                                                                                     Trails
      Court. Benches.                     equipment, benches and picnic       and relaxing benches.
        Armory Park, also known as        tables.                               Rectory Square -- Chesnut                                                                                                      Camden Battlefield
      Goodale Park -- West DeKalb           City Hall Park -- Between City    and Lyttleton streets. Playground                                                                                              and Longleaf Pine
      Street.                             Hall and Fair Street. Swing set     equipment, benches, picnic tables                    Conifer Acres -- Ridgeway          playground equipment, restrooms,       Preserve -- Miles of
        Boykin Park -- West Hampton       and slide, picnic tables.           and gazebo with fully restored                     Road, Lugoff. Unlighted ball field   and running track. Covered picnic      walking trails in the
      and Campbell streets. Basketball      Edgewood Park -- Elmore           fountain, all-weather tennis courts,               and tot lot.                         area.                                  peaceful forest that
      court, picnic tables, benches and   and Beard streets. Playground       decorative lighting.                                 Copeland Park -- Brown Street,      Seaboard Park -- Laurens              was the location of
      playground equipment.               equipment, picnic tables and                                                           Bethune. Lighted and unlighted       Street Extension, Camden.              the bloody Battle of
        Burndale Park -- Fairlawn Drive   benches.                                                                               ball fields.                         Softball field, playground,            Camden in 1780.
      and Brookgreen Court. Swing set       Groom Park -- Five Bridges                                                             Kershaw County West-               recreation center, and restrooms.      Free and open to the
      and picnic table.                   Road. Benches.                           Kershaw County                                   Complex -- 519 Whitehead           West Wateree Park -- Smith            public during regular
        Camden Riverfront                   Hampton Park -- Lyttleton           Parks and Recreation                             Road, off U.S. 1 between Lugoff      Road, Lugoff. Lighted ball fields,     business hours (no
      Environmental Park - 175            and DeKalb streets. Playground                                                         and Elgin. ADA compliant             concession stand, and restrooms.       nighttime admission). No
      Bramblewood Plantation Road.        equipment, picnic tables, restored    Bethune Community Center                         and handicapped-accessible            Woodward Park & Sweet Gum             restrooms on site. For
      A multi-phase project, the          fountain, benches.                  -- College Street East, Bethune.                   playground, tennis courts, lighted   Trail -- Ballpark Road, Camden.        more information, visit
      environmental park includes a         Kendall Lake Park -- Lakeshore    Summer playground program,                         soccer fields, lighted baseball      Lighted soccer field, baseball/
      riverside canoe/kayak launch with   Drive. Benches, picnic table, boat   classes and other community                       fields, walking track, shelters,     softball fields, restrooms, and picnic   or call Historic Camden
      separate ADA compliant launch,      ramp, club house. Swimming          functions.                                         restrooms, and benches.              shelter. Trail head for the 2/3 mile   at 803-432-9841.
      observation areas, bridges, and     permitted. No lifeguard on duty!      Boyd Young Park -- Young’s                         Knights Hill Park -- 521 Knights  Sweet Gum Trail is located here.          Historic Camden
      trails which will ultimately connect   Swim at own risk.                Park Drive, Westville. Lighted                     Hill Road, Camden. Unlighted ball                                           Nature Trail -- Walk by
      to a county wide trail system         Kendall Park -- Haile Street      ball field, tot lot, restroom,                     park, shelter, and playground.          South Carolina Parks                18th century powder
      linking other area parks and trails.  and Park Circle. Walking trail,   meeting building, and concession                     Larry Doby Complex --               N.R. Goodale State Park               magazine and earthwork
        Camden Town Green --              benches, stream, picnic tables,     stand.                                             Competition Drive, Camden.           -- Lined with cypress trees, the       remains on this half-mile
      Downtown with vehicle access        decorative lighting.                  Wateree River Veterans Park --                   Lighted softball fields, soccer      park’s spring-fed lake offers          loop trail, complete with
      from Rutledge and Market              Kirkwood Common -- Ancrum         a 35-acre riverfront site in Lugoff,               fields, T-league fields,             boating, fishing, and hiking           a fishing pond and views
      streets. Pedestrian access off      Road. Large, old trees, marsh       SC. This park will eventually have                 concessions, and restrooms.          opportunities. Bring your canoe,       of Big Pine Tree Creek.
      Broad Street. Decorative lighting,   area, pond and benches.            several amenities that the public                    Mt. Pisgah Park -- Mount           and paddle through the natural         Fishing license required.
      electrical hook-up, wall bench.       Kirkwood Park -- Stower           will be able to enjoy in the future.               Pisgah Road, Kershaw. Lighted        habitat of aquatic birds, wildlife,    $5 site admission or
                                          Street, Kirkwood Community.         Phase 1 of construction has                        ball field, football/soccer field,   and plants. Picnic shelters,           membership. 222 Broad
                                                                                                                                 walking trail, and concession
                                          Playground equipment,               started with the addition of a 2,112                                                    tables, playground equipment,          St.
                                          basketball court, concession        ft. long, 8 ft. wide concrete walking              stand.                               and meeting facilities provide            For information, visit
                                          building, bleachers, baseball       track, floating kayak launch with                    Science Park -- Park Road,         the perfect setting for family,        www.historiccamden.
                                          field, and benches.                 vertical structual guides, and                     Camden. Model airplane landing       school, and other group                org or call 803-432-
                                            Monument Square Park --           decorative entrance sign with                      strip, and restroom.                 gatherings. Goodale is located         9841.
                                          Laurens and Broad streets. Four     landscaping. Park hours every day                    Scott Park -- Battleship Road.     at 350 Park Road in Camden.
                                          quadrants. Soldier monuments set    7 am- 7pm, except during period                    Walking/jogging track, tennis
                                                                              of construction.                                   courts, sand volleyball court,

      24 s  Discover Camden-Kershaw County  s  2020/2021
                                                                                                                                                                                               2020/2021  s  Discover Camden-Kershaw County  s  25
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