Page 9 - Camden Kershaw 2020
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EVENTS                                          EVENTS

 Holiday Sales Show -- This event   Dancing With the Stars (A   Kershaw County Farmers
 features handmade art including   Multi-Cultural Events -- Choirs,   Camden Film Week -- This   FUNdraiser) -- The Arts Center   SUMMER  Market -- Every Saturday on Broad
 pottery, jewelry, yard art, paintings,  dance troupes, performers, and   annual world tour film festival is all   of Kershaw County presents   Ag+Art Tour -- Kershaw County   Street, this market offers fresh
 wearables, soaps, stained glass,   artists come to Wood Auditorium   about horses. Featuring a variety   its own version of the popular   is one of many South Carolina   in-season local and South Carolina
 kitchenware, and so much more.   at the Fine Arts Center of   of events all over Camden, this   television show, Dancing with the   counties that participate in this   grown products. This popular venue
 Come and shop for one-of-a-  Kershaw County in celebration   event includes film screenings of   Stars. Local “celebrities” pair with   farm tour, featuring local artisans   also features  artisans, crafters,
 kind items from over 30 artisans.   of African-American History   international film winners and others   local professional dancers and   and farmer’s markets. The tour   food trucks and more. Visit www.
 Proceeds benefit the Arts Center   Month in February. Visit www.  selected films at Camden’s Little   perform before a live audience.   includes artists in action, vendors,
 of Kershaw County.       www.   Theater. For details, visit www.  Find more information at www.  music and information about rural   Kids 4th of July Parade -- This  SPRING  facebook/EFFCamden   life. Visit for   super fun and colorful event takes
 Holiday Trunk Show -- Come   Camden Junior Welfare League   Finally Friday -- Beginning in   specific dates and tour locations.   place on the Saturday closest to
 out to Old McCaskill’s Farm for   Annual Spring Dog Show   Showcase -- You can discover   March the Fine Arts Center   Arts Open House -- This annual   the 4th of July, and is all about
 a unique shopping experience   -- An annual tradition for over   treasures at this event which   of Kershaw County holds a   community gathering features   kids. Decorate bicycles, scooters
 that supports local artisans and   80 years, this dog show is   features antiques, vintage decor,   free concert on the last Friday   entertainment from the teachers,   and wagons, and wear patriotic
 small business owners. You   recognized as a high quality   original art and handcrafted wood.   of each month through the   students and affiliate groups of the   red, white and blue for the parade
 can find woolen gifts, baked   production complete with   Visit for   month of June. Locations vary   Arts Center of Kershaw County.   that begins at Camden’s City Hall
 goods and sweets, handmade   ring, ringmaster, announcer,   more information.   across Kershaw County. Family   Take tours, discover upcoming   and proceeds down Rutledge
 cards, Christmas ornaments,   qualified judges, ribbons,   The Carolina Cup -- The running   friendly and always free. For   events and register for classes. Visit    Street. For more information, visit
 leather tack, iron works,   and trophies. Hosted by   of the Carolina Cup, the traditional   more information, visit www.      
 jewelry, and more! See www.  Grace Episcopal Church, this   kick-off of the Steeplechase racing                                   Arts Camps -- The Arts Center   Patriots, Picnic & Pops Celebrate  event is a family affair whose   season, finds thousands of ladies   Fishing Rodeo -- This free event,   coordinates and hosts a multitude   the Fourth of July at the Kershaw-
 Jingle Bell 5K Run -- This   proceeds benefit the Kershaw   and gentlemen enjoying a day of   sponsored by the S.C. Department   of fun and creative activities   Cornwallis House at Historic
 annual 5k Run/Walk & Kids’   County Humane Society. See                                      tailgate parties and horse races   of Natural Resources, takes place   for all ages July-September.   Camden. Food, fellowship and
 Run is a Palmetto Grand Prix  at Springdale Race Course. The   at Historic Camden’s nature trail   Camps specialize in topics   performances by the Camden
 Race USATF Certified Course.   Battle of Camden BBQ Festival   Marion duPont Scott Colonial Cup   pond. Kids learn how to fish and   such as theater, dance, music,   Community Concert Band. Free and
 Proceeds promote health and   -- A barbecue contest to benefit   is the co-feature race. Tickets and   get their license. In addition, there   and visual arts. See www.  fun for the whole family. Visit www.
 exercise awareness for Kershaw   the Camden Jaycees’ Annual   parking spaces for tailgating are   are fish size competitions and  
 County. Register at www.  Stocking Fund, and takes place   available. Visit www.carolina-cup.  vendors. Find more information at                                                                 Bethune Chicken Strut -- Always   Shaggin’ with CLASS Blast or www.  at Historic Camden.  The juried   org  popular, the Bethune Chicken   -- It’s always a party with CLASS   event also features live music.   Classically Carolina USTA   Irish Fest -- This family-friendly   Strut is a weekend full of   (Camden-Lugoff Area Shag
 Kershaw County Christmas   Visit  Junior Challenge -- This   cultural event is held  at Historic   fun and entertainment. The   Society). The Summer Blast is the
 Parade -- Local churches,   Boykin Spaniel Society (BSS)   tournament draws sanctioned   Camden and includes live Irish   festival includes rides, vendors,   organization’s big charity event of
                                                                                 the year, with funds going to assist
 players from all over Georgia,
 businesses, schools, and civic   Spring National -- Every dog   North Carolina and South   music, dancing, vendors, food,   dancing, music and other   local organizations like Food for
 organizations participate in   has its day and South Carolina’s   Carolina. For more information,   domestic and imported beer, a   activities for “kids” of all ages.   the Soul and the Community
 the annual Kershaw County   State Dog, the Boykin Spaniel,   email tennispickleball@camdensc.  Leprechaun parade, and a KIDZ   For more information, call 843-  Medical Clinic. For details, www.
 Christmas Parade, held on   is feted an entire week when   org.  zone. Like and learn more on   334-6238
 the second Saturday in   the City of Camden hosts the   Clinic Classic 5k -- The Clinic   Facebook at Irish Fest Camden  Fireworks at Lake Wateree --   USTA Junior Team Tennis
 December each year down   BSS Spring National. A fun-  Classic is a race that benefits   Spring Farm Day at Old   The Lake Wateree Association   Championship -- This annual
 Broad Street in Downtown   filled series of events including   the Community Medical Clinic of   McCaskill’s Farm -- Each   (LWA) and the Wateree   tournament at the Tennis Center
 Camden. For details, visit www.  more than 300 Boykin Spaniels   Kershaw County. It features the   year at shearing time, all are   Homeowners Association of   of Camden is the SC State   from across the country   KershawHealth 10k, McDonald’s   invited to watch the sheep   Fairfield County hosts an annual   Championship for JTT teams
 Lights of Lugoff -- Light up your  as well as an oyster roast,   5k Walk/Run, and Clinic Classic   shearing, see the border collies   Fourth of July fireworks display   advancing throughout the state.
 holiday season and join in the   banquet and silent auction,   Challenge, as well as the Camden   work, observe spinning, a   on July 4th, around 9:15 p.m.   More than 250 junior players
 fun at Kershaw County’s only   food trucks, raffles, art exhibits   Family Care One Mile. The   working saw mill, music, food,   LWA officials say the best place   compete in this prestigious event.
 nighttime Christmas Parade.   and more in various locations   certified course runs through   a petting zoo, and many other   to view the display is from   For more information, email
 The lights at night are magical   around Camden, Rembert   historic districts. For details, see   farm activities. For details visit                                          Clearwater Cove Marina. Visit
 for young and old alike. Visit   and Boykin. For details, visit                                  

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