Page 6 - Camden Kershaw 2020
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                We have many wonderful events every year in Camden-Kershaw County. Please

           understand that due to  COVID-19 restrictions, some of these events may be rescheduled.

                    FALL                    stars compete in this 54-hole       Chili Cook-off -- This annual

        24 Hours of LeMons -- A block       annual invitational tournament,     competition is a fundraiser for the
                                            hosted by the University of South
                                                                                United Way of Kershaw County.
        party and parade of cars through    Carolina, on the famed Donald       Held on the Town Green, this
        Downtown Camden in September        Ross course at Camden Country       event features food, music, and
        is the Friday evening kick-off to a   Club. For details, visit www.     more for the ultimate in family
        weekend of LeMons racing at the          entertainment. For details, visit
        Carolina Motorsports Park. Visit    Car Club Driving Events --     Throughout the fall the Carolina    Colonial Cup 10K Road Race
        Autumn Attic Sale -- The annual     Motorsports Park hosts driving      -- The annual Colonial Cup 10K
        Autumn Attic Sale, to benefit       events for car clubs such as the    Road Race and Mid Carolina
        the Community Medical Clinic        Carolina Regional Porsche Club,     Credit Union 5K Run/Walk is
        of Kershaw County, features         Carolina Regional Mustang Club,     held to benefit those receiving
        a boutique of special items,        and the BMW Club of America.        services from the Kershaw
        jewelry, designer men’s and         For more information, go to                    County Board of Disabilities
        women’s clothing, and a variety     and Special Needs (KCBDSN).
        of cook books, furniture, dishes,   Carolina Downhome Blues             For details, call the 803-432-
        framed artwork, and much,           Festival -- This award-winning      4841.
        much more. For details, go to                           event features blues artists   Community Theatre                     from around the country. This       Productions -- The Arts Center
        Cabela’s King Kat Tournament        festival showcases a truly          of Kershaw County presents four
        -- Lake Wateree hosts hundreds      remarkable mix of blues music.      or more live theatre productions
        of anglers each year in this  giant   For schedule and tickets, visit www.  each year including a musical
        competition sponsored by the       in the fall, two or more non-
        City of Camden and the world’s      Classically Carolina USTA Adult     musicals in the winter and
        foremost outfitter of outdoor       Championship -- This Camden         spring along with youth and
        gear. To get your Kat on, visit                          USTA Adult challenger event   teen productions. See www.                  draws sanctioned players from all for
        Camden Collegiate Golf              over the region. For details, visit   a full schedule.
        Invitational -- Rising golf

        12 s  Discover Camden-Kershaw County  s  2020/2021
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