Page 7 - Camden Kershaw 2020
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EVENTS Fall Farm Day at Old McCaskill’s Marathon & 5K -- Run through Swift Creek Baptist Church. Visit
history and support the event
Farm -- Come visit a working
Candlelight Tour of Homes
that benefits the Historic
farm and see where your food
comes from! There will be food,
Camden Foundation. The course
Hosted by the Camden Junior
music, shopping, animals, a saw
mill, corn grinding, ice cream covers the historic and beautiful Welfare League, this event
roads throughout S.C.’s oldest
offers participants the opportunity
churning, games for the kids, and inland city, with some colonial flair to tour area homes beautifully
other farm activities. For details, like reenactors firing muskets and decorated for Christmas. This
visit cannons for the start. Visit www. unique tradition allows the League
Family Halloween Night -- to provide scholarships and
Trick-or-treat at Historic Camden’s Revolutionary War Days -- Join grants for children’s charities and
museum houses and enjoy a in the revolutionary spirit each organizations in Kershaw County.
ghost tour of the Kershaw- Fall when the Historic Camden For additional information, visit
Cornwallis House. Hayrides Foundation hosts a variety
available on the grounds. Visit of events commemorating its Classically Carolina Christmas heritage and mission. See www. Tree Lighting -- Gather with the
Firefest -- For Fire Prevention locals at the lighting of the festive
We have many wonderful events every year in Camden-Kershaw County. Please Month, this annual fire muster Springdale 5k At Sunrise -- This tree at Camden City Hall. Enjoy
understand that due to COVID-19 restrictions, some of these events may be rescheduled. competition between area iconic Kershaw County event spiced cider, cookies and Christmas
fire departments provides benefits the health initiatives of the carols. Visit
entertainment and fun. The United Way of Kershaw County. Christmas 1782 -- Come enjoy the
FALL stars compete in this 54-hole Chili Cook-off -- This annual event kicks off with a fire truck The event features a 5K and Family Christmas season back in time at
24 Hours of LeMons -- A block annual invitational tournament, competition is a fundraiser for the parade in Downtown Camden Fun Run at Camden’s hallowed Historic Camden, where you can
United Way of Kershaw County.
hosted by the University of South
Springdale Race Course. Visit www.
and is followed by vendors, kids’
tour the historic park and museum
party and parade of cars through Carolina, on the famed Donald Held on the Town Green, this games, food, exhibitors, and for details buildings, and shop for Christmas
Downtown Camden in September Ross course at Camden Country event features food, music, and more! For details, see www. Turkey Trot National Auto Sport gifts. Visit www.historiccamden.
is the Friday evening kick-off to a Club. For details, visit www. more for the ultimate in family Association Race -- Come org
weekend of LeMons racing at the entertainment. For details, visit Haunted Legends of Camden out to Carolina Motorsports Elgin Catfish Stomp -- Get the
Carolina Motorsports Park. Visit Car Club Driving Events -- Tour -- Come explore the Park (Saturday and Sunday) holidays off to a good start with a Throughout the fall the Carolina Colonial Cup 10K Road Race haunted mysteries of one of to experience the excitement, parade, gospel singing and lots
Autumn Attic Sale -- The annual Motorsports Park hosts driving -- The annual Colonial Cup 10K South Carolina’s oldest cities. sounds and smells of racing. Visit of mouth-watering catfish at this
Autumn Attic Sale, to benefit events for car clubs such as the Road Race and Mid Carolina A charity fundraiser for Louise C. annual event in Elgin. Local firemen
the Community Medical Clinic Carolina Regional Porsche Club, Credit Union 5K Run/Walk is Proctor Hall, tours begin in the cook and serve up some of the
of Kershaw County, features Carolina Regional Mustang Club, held to benefit those receiving evening at Proctor Hall, 2030 WINTER best catfish stew and fried catfish
a boutique of special items, and the BMW Club of America. services from the Kershaw Lyttleton St. For more (with all the fixings). For more
jewelry, designer men’s and For more information, go to County Board of Disabilities information,visit www.facebook. Bethune Christmas Parade -- information, call Elgin Town Hall at
women’s clothing, and a variety and Special Needs (KCBDSN). com/theproctorhall Come celebrate the holidays in 803-438-2362.
of cook books, furniture, dishes, Carolina Downhome Blues For details, call the 803-432- Oyster Roast & BBQ Bash the Town of Bethune. For more Elgin Lights -- Elgin residents
framed artwork, and much, Festival -- This award-winning 4841. -- Get your blue jeans on and information, call Bethune Town Paul and Sarah Towns open their
much more. For details, go to event features blues artists Community Theatre grab your shucking knife to Hall at 843-334-6238. farm for visitors to enjoy their old- from around the country. This Productions -- The Arts Center enjoy this charity fundraiser for Boykin Christmas Parade fashioned Christmas light display,
Cabela’s King Kat Tournament festival showcases a truly of Kershaw County presents four the Community Medical Clinic -- Each December the Boykin eight museums, live music, working
-- Lake Wateree hosts hundreds remarkable mix of blues music. or more live theatre productions of Kershaw County. This annual community holds a holiday blacksmith, and more! For dates
of anglers each year in this giant For schedule and tickets, visit www. each year including a musical event offers good food, good parade like none other. The and more information, visit www.
competition sponsored by the in the fall, two or more non- friends, and good times. Visit festivities start with the Road Kill
City of Camden and the world’s Classically Carolina USTA Adult musicals in the winter and for details. (barbeque) Cook-Off, and ends
foremost outfitter of outdoor Championship -- This Camden spring along with youth and Revolutionary Run Half with a gospel concert at historic
gear. To get your Kat on, visit USTA Adult challenger event teen productions. See www. draws sanctioned players from all for
Camden Collegiate Golf over the region. For details, visit a full schedule.
Invitational -- Rising golf
2020/2021 s Discover Camden-Kershaw County s 13
12 s Discover Camden-Kershaw County s 2020/2021