Page 31 - Chatsworth-Murray NCG
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                                                                                                                                Top 10 Best Places for
                                                                                                                              Small Business in Georgia:
                                                                                                                              Murray County #6 of 159
                                                                                                                                  Georgia Counties
                                                                                                                             --Named by Smart Asset 2021

         Murray County IndustrIal developMent authorIty

         Everything your business needs to grow          By Lydia Cobb

         t       he Cities of Chatsworth and   The City of Eton is home to the second   miles on Georgia highways. And it’s   Foss Floors and Polytech Fibers LLC

                 Eton have a higher level of
                                                                                simple: in 16 minutes a truck driver can
                                            inland port in the state (a third inland
                                                                                                                   are expanding. We are now welcoming
                 sophistication as drivers of
                                            in 2024 in northeast Georgia). The
                                                                                way. Currently, the facility has a capacity
                 our state’s economy. We are a   port is expected to become operational   pull in, unload a container, and be on their   Green Galaxy Group, a Las Vegas,
                                                                                                                   Nevada-based manufacturer building a
        destination with emerging careers for just   Appalachian Regional Port is gateway   to process 50,000 containers annually.   facility in the Murray South Industrial Park.
        about every skill. Through access to some of   to Georgia’s seaport of Savannah,   A 10-year development plan will   Green Galaxy Group purchased 41 acres
        the finest educational institutions in Georgia,   the fourth busiest port in the U.S., for   double that.
        Murray County has a labor force of more   markets in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee,                          for its back-to-the-U.S. manufacturing
        than 117,000 well-trained people across   and Kentucky.                 Because of our inland port, big name   facility to make synthetic surfacing.
        five counties. Qualifying companies also                                businesses are relocating here. We have   They are breaking ground on the first
        have the support of Georgia’s Quick Start   Inland ports relieve interstate congestion   welcomed General Electric (GE) Logistics   of seven buildings in late 2022 and will
        initiative, which provides workforce training   and carbon emissions by using rail passage.   Center and Huali Floors, enhancing job   eventually employ more than 400 people
        at no cost.                         Each roundtrip container offsets 710 truck   growth in the region. The companies of   of all talents.
 • (706) 695-6060                                                                            Murray County Industrial Development  27
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