Page 35 - Chatsworth-Murray NCG
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        Three women and five men graduated from
        the first annual Murray Works Employment
        Academy in June 2022. The 10-day     Georgia Northwestern Technical
        bootcamp caters to workforce recruitment   College is the Chamber’s 2022
        needs of local large employers. Murray
        County high school grads who do not plan   Innovator of the Year for its role in
        on post-secondary education can gain    developing Murray Works.
        the knowledge and skills for entry-level
        manufacturing jobs that become high-  This first year set the standard for 2023, in a
        quality, high-performing careers.  setting where students also learn interview
                                           preparation and resume writing – leading to
        “A unique component of this project is that   direct interviews with prospective employers
        participating employers offset tuition costs,   after the graduation ceremony. Murray
        so there was no barrier for students entering  County Chamber of Commerce partners
        the manufacturing or business jobs,” said   with Murray County Industrial Development
        Dr. Heidi Popham, Georgia Northwestern   Authority, Murray County School System,
        Technical College President.       and Georgia Northwestern Tech.

 • (706) 695-6060
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