Page 36 - Chatsworth-Murray NCG
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                                          Professionals                                                           “I’ve always dreamed about opening a bakery in my town.

                                                                                                                   This is surely going to be an awesome downtown for
                                                                                                                  everybody! We’re hoping to be a reason for people to stop
                                                                                                                       and visit, eat, and explore things to do.”
                                                                                                                        —Chris Hardin, Chatsworth Bakehouse
        Welcome mat is out for young professionals                                                                         (with his wife Kim Hardin)

        By Lydia Cobb
        W       e in Murray County get it.   Imagine that all you need is an affordable   community embraces independence,   transport by train – more jobs are here
                                                                                                                    and coming.
                Surrounded by so much
                                            storefront. Check! It’s here in Murray.
                                                                                entrepreneurial spirit, and hiking partners
                forestland and miles of trails and
                                                                                                                    economy. Imagine growing your own
        rivers – plus cool restaurants and taverns –   Imagine building a community workspace   are needed.         Agritourism is Georgia’s number one
                                            for others who work remotely, yet desire
        why would anyone want to spend the rest   more connections and camaraderie and   Perhaps you are out of college, or just   produce and cultivating sustainable meats
        of their days in a bigger city when nature is   business meeting space. Check! With more   want a career realignment. Find your   and products. Murray County is building
        calling you here to breathe?                                                                                a Farmers Market and more farmers and
                                            affordable rents (median average of $690),   chemistry in Murray County. We are   artisans are welcome.
                                            first-time or next homes (median value   near the carpet manufacturing capital of the
        Young professionals are moving in
        and building their futures here. If you   $122,100), Murray County is a great place   nation, but that isn’t all about manufacturing.   On page 34, you can learn more about
        see yourself in this, consider that Eton,   to start/re-start.          It can be the gateway. Fortune 500   Murray County Chamber’s Young
        Chatsworth, and all the accompanying                                    companies have needs in sales, human   Professionals group, a 40 and younger
        communities within Murray County are   Murray County is a place where you can   resources, management, marketing, and   membership team that inspires each other
        offering space to roam, space to build, to   dream, and it can come true. People work   more. National companies have moved   to grow and thrive in business,
        grow, to breathe.                   hard and play harder. Our small-town   in because of our proximity to container   in life, and community.

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