Page 14 - Coffee County Board of Education - Magazine 2023
P. 14

Goal Area 5: Supportive Culture and Climate

         Performance Objective 1: Create and maintain a safe and welcoming school climate that promotes learning for all.      High School Career Academies

        Initiative 1: Strengthen school and district safety planning and   Initiative 2: Build a welcoming learning environment for all students
        environment security.                                   and stakeholders.
        Action Steps                                            Action Steps
        • Continue and expand local, state, and federal partnerships.  • Annually review Student Health Survey data & Parent Perception data at   n the system’s strategic planning process, the district
        • Continue active shooter and safety trainings.            the school level.                                              recognized the success of the academy model for
        • Continue use of software and hardware to enhance safety (staff alert system,  • Train staff on what welcoming actions look like.  Iour school and community. Moving forward, we will build
           restricted school access system, school and classroom audio and video systems).  • Implement Capturing Kids Hearts system-wide.
        • Maintain and strengthen the school system police department through hiring,                                          on the success by expanding the academy and workforce
           training, and retaining officers.                                                                                   development model. Academies consist of small learning
                                                    Performance Measures                                                       communities that offer each student more personalized
        • Increase the percentage of “always.often” responses on the grades 3-5       • Question #20 : “I have felt unsafe at school or on my way to or from school.”  attention, recognition, and care with teachers,
           Georgia Health Survey.                               • Decrease the amount of discipline referrals related to safety infractions. (Alcohol,  staff, and peers.
          • Question #3 : “My school wants me to do well.”         Arson, Battery, Burglary, Disorderly Conduct, Drugs, Fighting, Theft,
          • Question #5 : “I feel safe at school”.                 Sex Offenses, Threats, Tobacco, Vandalism, Weapons, Bullying, Student Incivility,    The primary goal of the academies approach is to
        • Increase the percentage of “strongly agree and somewhat agree” responses      Gang Offenses, Electronic Smoking Device, Violence Against a Teacher.)
           on the grades 6-12 Georgia Health Survey.            • Increase the percentage of “strongly agree and agree” responses on the   enhance students’ engagement and performance
          • Question #2 : “I feel like I fit in at my school.”     grades FY23 Parent Survey.
          • Question #4 : “I feel connected to others at my school.”  • Question #10 : “Our schools are clean, safe, and provide orderly   in high school and provide them with skills and
        • Increase the percentage of “strongly disagree and somewhat disagree”      learning environments”.
           responses on the grades 6-12 Georgia Health Survey.                                                                 credentials needed to make a successful transition
                                                                                                                               to further education and/or a career.
                    Performance Objective 2: Foster the social and emotional well-being of staff and students.

        Initiative 1: Maintain and strengthen student support systems to    Action Steps
        enhance the development of the whole child.             • Define social emotional well-being.
        Action Steps                                            • Implement Capturing Kids Hearts system-wide.                 Integrating Relevant Career Themes
        • Define age-appropriate social emotional well-being.   • Create a school & district initiative for staff well-being.
        • Maintain and strengthen Know Your Worth initiative.   • Monitor staff absenteeism.                                   Academies can play an essential role in high school
        • Continue school-based Character Education Program.    • Support cultural awareness and competency among staff.                                                                 the school system can decrease the dropout rate, increase
        • Maintain and strengthen Student Support Case Manager efforts.  Initiative 3: Create a sense of belonging through a focus on Citizenship and   success by integrating relevant career themes, engaging   academic achievement, enhance technical skills, provide a
        • Implement Capturing Kids Hearts system-wide.          Patriotism.                                                    business and industry leaders in the education process,
        • Support cultural awareness and competency among students.  Action Steps                                              and, as a result, driving academic achievement. Engaging   more educated and stable workforce, and greatly improve
        • Strengthen student engagement with school-sponsored extracurricular   • Increase visual representation of patriotism throughout the district.                                  community prosperity.
           and co-curricular activities in grades 6-12.         • Involve NJROTC in Elementary/Middle Patriotism Awareness.    a group of students in commonly scheduled classes and
        Initiative 2: Foster and support the physical, social, & emotional    • Increase assemblies and activities related to citizenship and/or patriotism.    a team of teachers working together across subjects   Driving Student Academic
        well-being of staff.                                       (Voting, Community Pride, Honoring Military, First Responders, Public   creates a truly integrated and personalized educational   Achievement and Engagement
                                                                   Servants, Elected Officials).                               environment. This focus assures that students will
                                                    Performance Measures                                                       have opportunities to learn and participate in activities   Successful and sustained implementation of academies
        • Increase the percentage of “always. often” responses on the grades 3-5    • Increase the percentage of “none” responses on the grades 6-12 Georgia   including work-based learning, job shadowing, and career   raises student engagement and achievement. Coursework
           Georgia Health Survey.                                  Health Survey.                                              exploration prior to entering post-secondary education    becomes more relevant. The academies help students
          • Question #1 : “I like school.”                        • Question #74 : “In the past 30 days, how many days have you    and the workforce. It also allows students to have much
          • Question #11 : “There is an adult at my school that will help me if I need it.”     felt depressed, sad, or withdrawn?”                                                      develop skills beyond academic achievements that are
        • Increase the percentage of “strongly agree and somewhat agree” responses   • Increase the percentage of faculty and staff identified as socially and    broader exposure to a variety of career opportunities.  important to career and life success. Experiences in
           on the grades 6-12 Georgia Health Survey.               emotionally healthy based on an adult social-emotional health screener.                                               the workplace and with employers allow students to
          • Question #60 : “I know an adult at my school that I can talk with if I need help.”  • Decrease the percentage of days lost for faculty and staff to address    Engaging Business and Industry
                                                                   teacher absenteeism.                                                                                                  experience real work and see beyond the classroom.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Students who are given opportunities to work in teams
         Performance Objective 3:   Create a culture of high expectations that celebrate successes throughout the district.    Business and industry engagement becomes more             on real projects begin to understand the importance of
                                                                                                                               meaningful and collaborative. Academies connect           professionalism, reliability, teamwork, and clear oral
          Initiative 1: Provide leadership opportunities for all staff and recognition of   • Continue Teacher/Leader development opportunities (AP Bootcamp,   education and workforce development systems and lead   communication skills. They also see how their education is
          outstanding employees.                                    Aspiring Leaders Workshops).                               to broader partnerships. They also provide local business   related to a career field(s). Frequently, after being exposed
          Action Steps                                           Initiative 2: Enhance current student recognition programs.   and industry with a steady stream of interested and
          • Maintain and grow Employee Recognition Programs at all schools.    Action Steps                                                                                              to the realities of the workplace and careers during
                                                                 • Maintain and grow Student Recognition Programs at all schools.    well-qualified employees. Relevant business and industry   internships, students will press harder in their studies and
                                                    Performance Measures                                                       councils and pathway advisory boards can be created       set higher goals for college and careers. Career academies

         • Increase the percentage of “always.often” responses on the grades 3-5 Georgia           • Increase the percentage of “strongly agree and somewhat agree” responses on the      to keep them current and based on community needs.   have demonstrated a lasting value to the communities that
            Health Survey.                                           grades 6-12 Georgia Health Survey .                       Engaging business and industry through these academies,   have implemented them.
           • Question #3 : “My school wants me to do well.”          • Question #57 : “I feel that my school has high standards for achievement.”
           • Question #7 : “Good behavior is noticed in my school.”        • Question #59 : “Students are frequently recognized for good behavior.”
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