Page 13 - Coffee County Board of Education - Magazine 2023
P. 13

Goal Area 3: High Quality Workforce  Goal Area 4: Organizational and Operational Effectiveness

          Performance Objective 1: Ensure and sustain processes for effective and efficient operations across all departments.
 Performance Objective 1: Retain highly effective people in all positions.

 Initiative 1: Develop, support, and retain teachers.  Initiative 3: Develop, support, and retain classified staff.  Initiative 1: Implement Human Resources and Finance platform.  Initiative 2: Create and Implement Departmental Review Processes.

 Action Steps  Action Steps  Action Steps
 • Gather teacher perception data.  • Gather classified staff perception data.  Action Steps
 • Enhance new teacher orientation to meet the needs of the new    • Identify professional development needs for classified staff.  • Form committees with directors and principals to support   • Identify departmental roles and responsibilities.
    teachers, including nontraditional.  • Create professional development for classified staff, including on      the implementation.  • Create departmental standard operating procedures.
 • Implement support for teachers in areas of critical need.     professional learning days (i.e., focus on the “Grow our Own” initiative).  • Conduct training on the platform.  • Use standard operating procedures to conduct annual departmental reviews.
        • Schedule quarterly roll out of various functions of the platform.
 Initiative 2: Develop, support, and retain leaders.
 Action Steps                                       Performance Measures
 • Gather leader perception data.
 • Align professional learning opportunities to district and state    • Increase the percentage of work orders completed within five days.  • Survey to guide the following year’s professional learning plans.
    priorities and initiatives.  • Identify staff professional learning needs using the Spring Needs Assessment.
 • Provide support to LEA administrators.
 Performance Measures
 • Increase the teacher retention rate as reported by the Georgia Insights   • Increase percentage of highly qualified teachers based on GA Performance
    Educator Pipeline.     Criteria (CPI) by increasing the number of teachers entering MAT and GaTAPP.  Performance Objective 2: Ensure and sustain effective and efficient financial practices and fiscal responsibility.
 • Increase the teacher retention rate with the use of updated exit surveys.  • Decrease teacher attrition rate of resignations - Georgia Insights
    Educator Pipeline.
        Initiative 1: Implement best practices for maintaining the budget process.  Initiative 2: Meet Generally Accepted Governmental Accounting Standards.
        Action Steps                                            Action Steps
        • Enhance training for staff for financial accountability.  • Continue with preparation of annual system audit.
 Performance Objective 2: Evaluate staff and provide relevant professional learning.  • Develop and maintain system budgets.  • Adhere to guidelines for Federal Audits.
        • Seek input from stakeholders on the annual budget.
                                                                • Continue with School Activity Audits.
 Initiative 1: Strengthen staff observational practices.  Initiative 2: Strengthen professional development communities.
 Action Steps  Action Steps                         Performance Measures
 • Implement the Learning Focused Schools model.  • Conduct professional learning needs survey.
 • Investigate and implement a district-wide observational timeline.  • Review Superintendent Teacher Advisory Council feedback.  • Maintain 100% of annual district financial audits with no findings.  • Increase the amount of staff participation in financial training as reported
 • Share school-level professional development plans/calendar for current     • Maintain 100% of annual school activity audits with no findings.     by agendas and sign in sheets.
    fiscal year with target audiences.

 Performance Measures
 • Increase the average percent of parents who participate in    • Increase the percentage of parents who report on the Parent Needs    Performance Objective 3: Ensure and maintain safe facilities and healthy environments.
    parent teacher conferences each school year.     Survey that family nights are effective for encouraging family involvement.

        Initiative 1: Review and maintain safety plans.         Initiative 2: Review and maintain facility plans.
 Performance Objective 3: Recruit and hire high quality people in all positions.  Action Steps  Action Steps
        • Create uniform safety plans for all LEA locations.    • Conduct Facility Needs Assessments across the district.
 Initiative 1: Strengthen innovative approaches to staffing.  Initiative 2: Strengthen minority recruitment.  • Enhance communication plan through training of staff.  • Develop and maintain Five-Year Facility Plans.
 Action Steps  Action Steps  • Conduct annual safety training with staff.
 • Assess areas of need.  • Recruit bilingual staff through advertisement and job fairs.
 • Advertise positions on Teach Georgia/ system website.  • Recruit staff to support student populations.  Performance Measures
 • Conduct recruitment fairs for nontraditional teachers
    (GaTAPP and MAT Representatives).  • Decrease the percentage of annual bus inspection findings by 25%   • Increase the percentage of “always.often” responses on the grades 3-5
 • Strengthen the para-to-teacher program partnership with       from one fiscal year to the following when applicable.    Georgia Health Survey on questions related to safe and healthy.
    South Georgia State College.                                • Decrease the amount of annual food inspection findings.
 • Incorporate retirees to fill needs.
 • Promote the Career Fair for various positions across the district.
 Performance Measures
 • Strengthen recruitment efforts with data from Staff Needs Assessment Survey.  • Strengthen recruitment efforts with YOSS new hire data.

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