Page 11 - Coffee County Board of Education - Magazine 2023
P. 11

Goal Area 1: Student and Academic Success  Goal Area 2: Communication and Stakeholder Engagement

 Performance Objective 1: Ensure high-quality, engaging curriculum and instruction for all students.
              Performance Objective 1: Refine and sustain effective communication processes with all stakeholders.
 Initiative 1: Implement new Georgia state standards and best practices   Initiative 2: Expand literacy initiatives and early learning collaborative.
 and monitor for standards-based classrooms.  Action Steps  Initiative 1: Refine and improve the usage of communication methods   Initiative 2: Develop a consistent communication structure for business

 Action Steps  • Develop job-embedded professional learning with common language    (Unified Home Connection-UHC) at the teacher, school, and district levels.  and industry partners.
 • Implement exemplary practices for standards-based instruction that       and strategies to ensure consistency of practice across all grade levels    Action Steps  Action Steps
    is rigorous, promotes problem solving and critical thinking.     in structured literacy.  • Conduct a data review of teacher messaging content and frequency.  • Create and maintain a business and industry email group.
 • Implement a system of monitoring instruction where monitoring results    • Expand birth to five early learning initiatives.  • Conduct a data review of school messaging content and frequency.  • Host a business and industry meeting with district leadership.
    guide improvement practices.  • Identify and implement a screener for dyslexia in grades K-2.  • Conduct a data review of district messaging content and frequency.  • Provide quarterly communication to business and industry that is relevant,
 • Provide behavior and academic support.  • Build and monitor a Unified Home Connection direction and expectation       branded, and professional (Newsletter-Sips of Coffee).
 Performance Measures     plan built upon best practice.        • District leaders continue to attend meetings and sessions to bolster
        • Conduct communication and training around the revised plan.
                                                                   engagement in both directions.
 • Increase the percent of teachers in grades K-12 who implement standards-      Screeners in grades K-2 three times yearly to identify at-risk students.  • Investigate opportunities (i.e., billboards, marquees) throughout the
    based instruction protocols with fidelity, based on the district’s Learning    • Conduct a yearly Professional Development Needs Survey to align strategies       community to increase community awareness of school system events.
    Focused Checklist.     and resources to improve teaching and learning outcomes.  Performance Measures
 • Increase the percent of Leadership Teams monitoring teaching and learning     • Increase the percent of teachers in grades K-12 who implement the
    in grades K-12, using the district’s Teacher Observation Tool.     components of Structured Literacy Instruction based on the district’s    • Decrease the percentage of communication duplications between    • Increase the percentage of parents who feel satisfied with communication
 • Increase the number of proficient readers by administering Acadience Universal       literacy checklist.     teacher, school, and district by complying with the communication plan.     through UHC based on parent feedback.
        • Increase the percent of parent feedback by training staff to share     • Increase the percentage of email communication with all stakeholders
           information that encourages responses and engagement.     regarding school and district events and opportunities.
 Performance Objective 2:  Implement a high-quality assessment system which includes all content areas.  • Increase the percent of parents who report on the Parent Needs Survey
           that their child’s school keeps them informed of their child’s progress.
 Initiative 1: Identify and implement a District Assessment Plan in all      administrators to support the development of increased pedagogy and
 K-12 classrooms.     instructional leadership practices.
 Action Steps  • Provide continued differentiated training and support for new and    Performance Objective 2: Continue to strengthen plans and processes for effective engagement with families.
 • Create a focus team to review assessments.     non-traditionally trained teachers in instructional best practices.  Initiative 1: Align effective family engagement opportunities in   Initiative 2: Work with business partners and industry to enable increased
 • Research available data collection programs that align with the needs of district.  • Use student performance data to evaluate the use of instructional programs.  all schools.  parent attendance at parent teacher conference (PTC).
 • Streamline System Assessment Plan in which all assessment data collected    • Use data to diagnose areas of strength and customize instruction to address
    is supported by identified need.     areas of need.  Action Steps  Action Steps
 • Develop and implement system-wide assessments for grades 3-8 for    • Continue usage of the comprehensive needs assessment and parent survey   • Communicate with business partners and industries to renew agreements for
    science and social studies.  Initiative 3: Define and develop a framework for project-based       data to develop common but differentiated and impactful school-level family      parent attendance at parent-teacher conferences.
 learning in K-5.     engagement activities.                    • Review business and industry meeting feedback to provide support and
 Initiative 2: Monitor & adjust instruction to differentiate for individual   Action Steps  • Provide supports for schools to meet the objectives of the planned parent      make adjustments regarding parent-teacher conference timing
 learners’ needs.  • Develop a framework for Project-Based Learning in grades K-5.     and family engagement events, including language translation.     and opportunity.
        • Enhance media outlet postings with branding, design and language
                                                                • Research alternative parent-teacher conference methods and options.
 Action Steps  • Train teachers and staff in grades K-5 in Project-Based Learning.     translation for family engagement activities.
 • Incorporate Professional Learning Communities for teachers and    • Develop opportunities for all students in grades K-5 to participate in
    performance-based assessments.                  Performance Measures
 Performance Measures  • Increase the average percent of parents who participate in parent teacher   • Increase the percentage of parents who report on the Parent Needs Survey
 • Increase the percent of students scoring at or above grade level on       • Increase the amount of job-embedded professional learning       conferences each school year.     that family nights are effective for encouraging family involvement.
    Curriculum Based Measures & STAR Reading/ Math assessments.     based on classroom observations.
 • Increase the percent of students scoring at or above grade level on the        • Increase the usage of Data Collection Platform Reports to track student
   Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) in 5th & 8th grades      performance on GMAS, STAR Reading, STAR Math, & Curriculum Based Measures.  Performance Objective 3: Expand and sustain meaningful relationships with community partners.
   science & 8th grade social studies.
        Initiative 1: Expand community/industry partnerships within    Initiative 2: Enhance K-5 community events focused on the shared
 Performance Objective 3: Expand Academy and Workforce Development model.   elementary schools.  vision of creating college and career ready graduates.
        Action Steps                                            Action Steps
 Initiative 1: Provide career awareness within each grade band.  Initiative 2: Work collaboratively with post-secondary institutions and the   • Refine college and career teachings with most relevant local opportunities.  • Design career awareness activities with grades 3-5 students in mind
 Action Steps  community workforce for the benefit of academy students.  • Utilize school governance councils to expand community partners.  • Invite more representative community partners to support an event at
 • Develop career fairs in K-12 and explore collaborative opportunities    Action Steps  • Expand the types of career related guest speakers.     the school level.
    across grade levels.  • Create opportunities for student awareness of certificates, pathways,    • Select grade level elementary and middle school students attend the   • Connect event to employability skills with hands on activities for students.
 • Schedule guest speakers to expose students to various career opportunities.     and dual enrollment provided by post-secondary institutions.     Academies of Coffee & WRCCA Tours.  • Include post secondary providers in career awareness events to
 • Create opportunities for field trips in grades K-8.  • Create collaborative opportunities for business and industry.   • Develop a quarterly district event calendar for community/industry partners          encourage college options.
 • Build an awareness of civic and social responsibilities and how    • Develop aviation-related pathways through the University System of       to increase awareness and provide opportunities for support.  • Enhance recognition of community business partners in and around
    they contribute to the well-being of the community and our country.     Georgia and Technical College System of Georgia.  • Maintain a list of sponsors by schools for support and to enhance recognition      schools, clubs, and sporting.
 Performance Measures     of community/industry partners in and around schools. clubs, and sporting events.
 • Increase the percentage of Technical College Certifications/   • Increase the number of students who are enrolled in Dual Enrollment.  Performance Measures
    Pathway Completers.  • Increase the number of students in an apprenticeship.  • Increase the average amount of the various types of career guest speakers each year.
 • Increase the percentage of work-based learning participants.

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