Page 13 - Columbus NCG 2019
P. 13
“The people of
Columbus are
constantly striving
for growth & we’re
succeeding at it.” Cotton
~Chris Woodruff
Q & A with Local Innovative Entrepreneur
Chris Woodruff of the Cotton Companies
Chris Woodruff is a shining example has been so successful in achieving steady
of the innovative spirit and pursuit growth since its inception in 1828.
of progress that drives the people of Chris, a 1997 graduate of Brookstone High
Columbus. From the second floor of his School, specializes in adaptive reuse and
modern industrial office, Chris looks out over urban infill projects, several of which have
the revitalized 1200 Block of Broadway in taken Uptown to new heights. He speaks
Uptown Columbus. The landscape of the city with a strong reverence for the history of his
has changed significantly since he was a boy hometown and the accomplishments of past
growing up in the area. leaders. Chris is confident that he, his peers
Unused buildings have been repurposed, and future generations have the will and
the waterfront along the Chattahoochee River knowledge to move the region forward.
has been developed to become a hallmark of
the area and several Fortune 500 companies Q: How did growing up in
now call Greater Columbus home. Columbus shape you?
We sat down with Chris from the offices A: Growing up, I watched and saw that
of The Cotton Companies, the real estate anyone can make a difference. You can see
development and investment firm he this in Columbus—that it didn’t matter who
founded in 2016, to find out what makes the you were or what you came from, and I was
people of Columbus tick and why the area fortunate to grow up with this mentality.
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