Page 14 - Discover Georgia Outdoors 2019
P. 14
level. Most have no problem providing and wading boots (if not provided
proper instruction to those who by your guide service). During the TOP 10
need it. summer, dress cool in sun protective
lightweight fishing clothes, which
Q. How do I know which fly for some may mean long sleeves,
to use? pants, and river shoes while others
A. There is one simple rule to help may prefer a tank top and shorts or a
you pick the perfect fly: match bathing suit.
the hatch. Use a fly that imitates
whatever insects are abundant at your
FLY FISHING throughout the year and across the
fishing spot. Hatch makeup changes
state, so the best suggestion is for you
to tap into the expertise of the local
bait shop.
need in the price of the trip, except CustomerLookup.aspx. Make sure to Q. What should I wear on a
for a Georgia fishing license. get the separate trout fishing license fly fishing trip?
along with the standard license if you A. Great question! Every angler should
Q. Where can I get a will be fishing for trout. go prepared with sunglasses, hat,
fishing license? plenty of sunscreen, suitable clothing
A. You can buy a Georgia fishing Q. Do I need to know how to fly and footwear, and rain gear. In spring,
license at a Walmart in Georgia, at fish before I do a guided trip? fall and winter, it is recommended
many bait-and-tackle stores in the A. Absolutely not! Georgia’s fishing that you dress warm, in quick
state or go online to https://license. guide services generally will tailor drying layers that you can remove a trip to your needs and experience as temperatures rise. Bring waders
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