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          Best Hospitals 2023, including Emory   and services including oncology,   Breast Centers. Founded in 1961 as
          University Hospital, Emory Saint   orthopaedics and cardiology.      DeKalb General and later known as
          Joseph’s Hospital, Emory Johns Creek   •   For 8 consecutive years, Emory Saint   DeKalb Medical, the hospital joined
          Hospital and Emory University Hospital   Joseph’s Hospital ranks No. 2 in metro   Emory Healthcare in 2018 and is now
          Midtown. Emory University Hospital   Atlanta and the state by U.S. News &   part of Georgia’s most comprehensive
          was also named a top global hospital in   World Report.              academic health system.
          2023 by Newsweek.                 •   Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital chief   •   The Emory Decatur Hospital maternity
          As Atlanta’s first faith-based and   nursing officer was elected in 2023   center is the first in Georgia to receive
        longest-serving hospital, the mission is    to a national leadership role with the   the international “Baby-Friendly”
        the same today as it was over 140 years   American Association of Colleges
                                                                                 hospital designation.
        ago—to provide compassionate care,   of Nursing.
                                                                               •   The hospital is also nationally
        especially to those in need. In 2012,      Emory Decatur Hospital is a 451-
                                                                                 recognized as an Infant Safe
        Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital became   bed, full-service hospital with centers
                                                                                 Sleep hospital.
        a part of Emory Healthcare. The 410-  of excellence in surgical weight loss,
        bed acute-care hospital is recognized   joint replacement, and orthopaedics.
                                                                               Peachford Hospital
        as one of the leading specialty-referral   Its cancer program is accredited by
                                                                                 When families and individuals look to
        hospitals in the Southeast. Emory Saint   the Commission on Cancer and the
                                                                               have their mental health and addiction
        Joseph’s is known for expert physicians   National Accreditation Program for
                                                                               treatment needs met, Peachford
                                                                               Hospital helps bring life into balance.
                                                                               The physicians have experience
                                                                               specializing in child, adolescent, adult
                                                                               and geriatric psychiatry and addiction
                                                                               medicine. Peachford Hospital has
                                                                               capacity of 246 beds and provides
                                                                               individualized treatment programs to
                                                                               address each person’s unique needs.

                                                                               Health Department
                                                                                 The DeKalb County Board of Health
                                                                               records all births and deaths in DeKalb
                                                                               County and provides healthcare
                                                                               services for the entire family. Services
                                                                               are available for children, adults, and
                                                                               seniors, and range from vision and
                                                                               hearing screenings to school and travel
                                                                               immunizations and Medicaid enrollment.
                                                                               The Board of Health also oversees the
                                                                               inspections of more than 2,500 food
                                                                               service establishments in the county.

                                                                               Hispanic Health
                                                                               Coalition of Georgia
                                                                                 The Hispanic Health Coalition of
                                                                               Georgia, Inc. provides health education
                                                                               and resources that help connect clients
                                                                               with quality healthcare providers. The
                                                                               coalition advocates for policies that
                                                                               will improve the health of Hispanics in

                                                                               For more information about Healthcare
                                                                               in Dunwoody, visit:

       18                                                           Dunwoody Perimeter Chamber | | 678.244.9700
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