Page 27 - Dunwoody NCG 2024
P. 27

Quality of Life

        Go Outdoors                         Market at Brook Run Park from 9 a.m.   zip lines. With training and equipment,
          Dunwoody’s trail and greenway     to noon. Fresh produce and baked   you can continue the course and
        expansion is part of a city-wide    goods are for sale with live music and   obstacles for 2.5 hours. In Brook Run
        initiative to improve connectivity and   entertainment for all ages. The   Park.
        accessibility to green spaces. Existing   market is offered by the Dunwoody     Dunwoody is big on parks: take
        trails are being enhanced, creating new   Homeowners Association.      on some friendly competition on the
        pathways, and developing greenways              basketball courts at Pernoshal Park; the
        that weave through the urban landscape     From a squirrel’s point of view,   bocce courts at Georgetown Park; or the
        connecting neighborhoods, parks, and   Treetop Quest, Dunwoody’s aerial   City’s first seasonal splash pad at Two
        business districts.                 adventure park, will challenge you   Bridges Park, our newest park, which
          On Saturday mornings consider     physically and mentally as you maneuver   also has a playground, small and large
        heading over to the DHA Farmer’s    from tree to tree through obstacles and   pavilions, exercise equipment, and trails.

                                                                                                 (Continued on page 26)

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