Page 4 - Fannin EDA 2020
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Education in the Fannin Area
K-12: The Fannin County School System consists Higher Education: The University of North Georgia
of one high school, one middle school and three has had a satellite campus in Blue Ridge since 2015 and
elementary schools. The system is district-accredited opened a new campus on Highway 515 in fall of 2020.
by Cognia (formerly AdvancED). Enrollment stands at approximately 200 students.
Also in Fannin County is the Mountain Education
Charter High School (MECHS), a public, non- 20 miles
traditional evening high school that offers course- North Georgia
work to students returning to school or whose Technical College
circumstances do not match those of the traditional
high school student. MECHS is Cognia/AdvancED-
accredited and all credits earned are transferable to
any high school.
Faith-based private K-12 education is also available in
Fannin County.
Sources: University of North Georgia, North Georgia
Technical College, Chattahoochee Technical College
40 miles
Technical College
Students: 3,109
Teachers: 212
Student: Teacher Ratio: 14:1
Graduation Rate: 93.9%
Average Class Size: 21