Page 37 - Jackson County NCG 2022
P. 37

The New Jackson County High School

                    A Memorable First Year and Looking Ahead to Fall

                                               Jason Wester, Jackson County
                                                  High School, Principal
          By Lydia Cobb
        O       ver on the west side of Jackson   top notch,” he said. And the arts facilities are   standings. The boys’ Wrestling program
                                            “ridiculously nice!” He appreciates how the
                                                                                finished in the Top 6 at the 2022 State 5A Dual
                County, the Panthers are clawing
                                            district created intentional collaborative
                                                                                Wrestling Tournament. JCHS also celebrates
                their way forward in celebration
                of the new Jackson County High   spaces in the windowed meeting rooms.  its first women’s Wrestling State Champion,
        School, which opened last year on its 140-     “These allow our students to work   Lily Chavis.
        acre campus.                        together, to engage each other in meaningful      Uplifting Notes: The JCHS Marching
           This fall, 1,750 students will be enrolled in   discussion and work. They become owners of   Band won Grand Champion at several
        the high school that offers an International   their learning,” he added.  competitions and is First in Class and 4th
        Baccalaureate (IB) program and is named      Jackson County High School   Overall at the prestigious Band of America
        an AP Honor School for 2021. Principal   continues to earn recognitions for its   Regional Competition.
        Jason Wester, now in his fourth year, shares   leaders and programs:       Last spring, Jackson County High School
        highlights of the first year on campus.     Smart Moves: As the only IB program   welcomed a new neighbor moving onto
           “The year has gone amazingly well, and   in the county, JCHS students achieved an 85   campus – Legacy Knoll Middle School
        we find that our students are very excited   percent pass rate in last year’s exams. JCHS
        about this new facility,” says Wester. “I’ve had   senior Adrian Gebo is named a region-  celebrated its groundbreaking on March 29.
        probably 15 graduates come back and visit   level 4 Star Student at the Student Teacher      As JCHS students enter the second year
        and they all say they wish we had this when I   Achievement Recognition hosted by the   attending their beautiful, new educational
        was here!”                          Professional Association of Georgia Educators.  center, Panther Pride grows. Principal Wester
           Principal Wester shares that the athletic      Muscle Power: The Panther athletic   puts it this way: “We have a great community,
        facilities are second to none. “We have a   program is ranked in the Top 20 in Class 5A   great kids, and we are really excited about the
        beautiful new stadium. Everything has been   and Top 3 in the Region 8-5a Directors Cup   future of Jackson County High School.”

        Jackson County Area Chamber of Commerce | | (706) 387-0300  Jackson County High School  33
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