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Program (TIP) that provides opportunities for   school in the county with an International   immersive programs that partner area
         scholastic advancement.             Baccalaureate (IB) program. West Jackson   industries with hands-on experiences
            Commerce High School is named an AP   Elementary School is one of seven STEAM   for students.
         Honor School, where students can participate   elementary schools in the state, and athletes
         in dual enrollment and earn college credit   across the system routinely earn region and
         while enjoying work-based learning   state titles.                       Jefferson City School System
         opportunities. The high school’s Career,            An increasing number of students
         Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE)   graduate from high school having already   4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate – 97.6%
         program has Career Pathways developed   earned college credits and technical
         for students to select and complete. Career   certificates through dual enrollment with      The Jefferson City School System,
         Pathways have several specialized courses   the University of North Georgia and Lanier   currently serving approximately 4,100
         to provide students rigorous core elements,                            students, has a rich and proud educational
         performance standards, and skills necessary   Technical College.       tradition reaching back to the year 1818.
         after high school graduation to enter the           Authentic learning experiences in STEM   There are four schools, including Jefferson
         workforce or choose college/university, or the   programs that integrate science, technology,   Elementary, grades PK-2; Jefferson Academy,
         military for additional training.   engineering, and math, including robotics,   grades 3-5; Jefferson Middle, grades 6-8;
                                             begin in elementary school across the system.   and Jefferson High, grades 9-12. The school
                                             Fine arts programs provide opportunities in   system also operates a Center for Early
           Jackson County School System      band and choral music, theater, dance, visual   Learning, serving 3- and 4-year old students,
                                             arts, and digital and video production.   located at Jefferson Elementary School.
                                                                                   Student achievement results consistently
         4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate 2021 - 93.8%           A full slate of extracurricular activities is     exceed local, regional, state, and national
                                             available, ranging from leadership, chorus,   averages. Both Jefferson Elementary
 EDUCATION IN JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA      The Jackson County School System   drama, and academic competitions, to   School and Jefferson Academy have been
         (JCSS) is an exceptional public school district   award-winning FFA and 4-H programs, career-  recognized as Title I Distinguished Schools.
         serving more than 9,200 students in six   centered organizations, special interest clubs,   Jefferson Middle School has been named
           elementary, two middle, and two high   and performing arts opportunities.    a National Blue Ribbon School based on
              schools. The student-teacher ratio is            In the 2021-22 school year, Jackson   exemplary high-performing results, being
                approximately 12 to 1.       County High School opened doors on its new   the only middle school in Georgia and one
                      The Jackson County School   campus on the county’s west side. The former   of 45 nationwide in 2021. Jefferson High
                     System is committed to   high school in the center of the county is now   School remains an AP Honor School, based
                                                                                on student performance on Advanced
                      excellence in academics,   Empower College & Career Center (EC3). High   Placement Exams, and has earned national
                    athletics, and the arts. Jackson   schoolers are bused to EC3 to advance their   recognition from U.S. News in the
                  County High School is the only   learning, college and career paths through   2021 Best High Schools rankings as well as
                                                                                received the 2021 Great Schools Gold in
                                                                                College Success award.
                                                                                   Multiple opportunities exist for students
              Jefferson City  Schools                                           to explore their interests through various
                                                                                sports, clubs, and many other activities.
                                                                                Highly competitive athletic programs,
                                                                                including 61 state championships, are in
                                                                                place at the middle and high school levels.
                                                                                Off-site learning experiences, including
                                                                                Scotland Exchange, World War II Europe Trip,
                                                                                Normandy Tour, National Parks Explorations,
                                                                                Tybee Island, and Washington, D.C. are
                                                                                included as part of the overall instructional
                                                                                program. JCS has established a Bio-STEAM
                                                                                Outdoor Learning Center, consisting of 180
                                                                                acres of wetlands, to actively engage students
                                                                                in authentic learning experiences while
                                                                                protecting and preserving the environment.
                                                                                   The school system is embraced by
                                                                                a community that supports a quality
                                                                                education for all students and upholds high
                                                                                expectations for teaching and learning. The
                                                                                belief that Exposure to Excellence Promotes
                                                                                Excellence is evident in all aspects of the
                                                                                system’s overall program, including the arts,
                                                                                athletics, and academics.

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