Page 31 - Jackson County NCG 2022
P. 31

Futures Are Built


                                                                                      College and

                                                                                    Career Center

                                                                                     for Student

        By Lydia Cobb
        E    mpower College and Career Center   One of the biggest comments     doing clinicals at Piedmont Athens
             opened its doors a year ago to make
                                                                                Regional, not just job shadowing. They
             a positive difference in the futures
             of young adults. Empower C3 is an   I hear from parents is how     are drawing blood for certification in the
                                                                                phlebotomy program.”
        educational collaboration with Jackson    they wish they had               Students can work toward Associate
        County Schools, Commerce City Schools,                                  degrees with the University of North
        and Foothills Educational Charter High   something like this when       Georgia and Lanier Technical College while
        School. Through partnerships with business   they were in high school.  earning their high school diplomas. Dual
        and industry, higher education, and our                                 enrollment can save up to 30 hours of post-
        community, students work toward goals         John Uesseler,            secondary tuition.
        that help them reach their college and      CEO of Empower C3              “We are talking with our students to
        career aspirations.                                                     find out where they stand and how we’re
           John Uesseler, CEO of Empower C3,                                    performing,” Uesseler said. “Overwhelmingly,
        looks forward to welcoming approximately                                our students are excited and pleased with
        1,900 students this fall to engage in real                              the experiences we’re giving them here. They
        world experiences and added, “We are fully                              appreciate being treated like young adults
        developing our partnerships in industry                                 and say that this feels like a college campus.”
        with Kubota, Piedmont Athens Regional, SK                                  The goal for every Empower C3 student is
        Battery America, Tencate, and many others.”                             to graduate prepared for a successful career
           Using a semester schedule, students are                              in an ever-changing world. Students will leave
        bused from school to the Empower campus                                 high school with authentic experiences that
        in morning or afternoon schedules. Empower                              will help them define and refine their choices
        C3 provides a continuum of work-based                                   – in college, a career, or in the military.
        learning experiences, internships, and an                                   The Empower campus is at the former
        emphasis on science, math, technology, and                              Jackson County High School with a whole
        engineering within the classroom curricula.                             new vibe. Come by for a visit and check out
           Uesseler shared an example of the real-                              all the action that is shaping futures every day
        world collaborations. “We have students                                 here in Jackson County.

        Jackson County Area Chamber of Commerce | | (706) 387-0300  Empower College & Career Center  27
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