Page 28 - Jackson County NCG 2022
P. 28

Building for the Future

               SK Battery America Expands Production at its Electric Vehicle Battery Plant

                                                       By Lydia Cobb

         W        hen you drive along I-85   plants will produce an annual capacity that     the energy transition. This Georgia plant
                                                                                   Partnerships are emerging to help in
                                            supplies batteries for more than 300,000
                  in Commerce and see the
                                                                                has two vehicle partners producing electric
                  impressive SK Battery America

                                               That is an impressive contribution to
                  plant across the way, did you   electric vehicles on the road.”  vehicles: The Ford F-150 Lightning is the EV
         know this is the nation’s largest electric   combating climate change. And the job   option for its best-selling vehicle in the U.S.
         vehicle (EV) battery production operation?  landscape is changing: By next spring staffing   The Volkswagen ID.4 is VW’s flagship electric
                                                                                vehicle SUV.
            SK Battery America is part of South   increases from 1,300 today to 3,000 onsite.       “Since our investment in 2019, over 15
         Korea-based SK Innovation. They invested                               companies have announced electric vehicle
         $2.9 billion into the U.S. battery business to   “Our foremost priority   partnerships here in Georgia these past few
         build two plants at this Commerce facility,   is to invest proactively   years,” said Dean. One example is EnChem, a
         breaking ground in 2019. The first plant   in eco-friendly business    company that provides electrolyte solutions
         began mass production last fall. The second                            used to activate the battery. Another
         plant is being built and will be operational by   to bring happiness   is Ascend Elements, which recycles the
         early next year.                         to the society.”              manufactured scrap metals from SK Battery
            According to Maddison Dean in External                              for re-use. Ascend can recover high-value
         Affairs and Social Value with SK Battery   -SK Innovation              metals like cobalt, lithium, and nickel that can
         America, “When fully operational, our two                              be used over and over.

      24          SK Battery America                           Jackson County Area Chamber of Commerce | | (706) 387-0300
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