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Foothills Education Charter
High School
Foothills Education Charter High School
is North-Middle Georgia’s answer for those
students who cannot work on earning an
accredited Georgia High School Diploma
during the traditional school day. Fourteen
locations across the region offer a full range
of high school courses in a convenient,
flexible, self-paced format. All classes are held
in the evening so students can work during
the day and attend school at night. Tuition is
100 percent FREE for school-aged students
who enroll at Foothills full time.
All courses are mastery-based, which
means students cannot fail a course. There
are no deadlines, so students can take
as much, or as little time as needed to
successfully complete coursework.
To better meet the different learning
styles of students, Foothills offers a variety of
course formats including textbook and web-
based instruction. Foothills has a 100 percent
virtual site serving students all over the state.
Foothills also serves students in three state
prisons and two Youth Challenge Program
sites. Finally, Foothills offers a transfer Lanier Technical College
credit community for students who want to
earn credits to transfer back to their home
school so they can graduate on time with
their peers. All methods provide self-paced, have gotten jobs or continued on with
individualized mastery learning. their education.
Foothills Education Charter High School Lanier Technical College has articulation
is fully accredited by the Georgia Accrediting agreements with 25 other colleges and
Commission and Cognia as a K-12 public universities, giving graduates the opportunity
charter school. to apply credit earned at Lanier Tech to a
four-year degree at one of these institutions.
Higher Education Additionally, an articulation agreement
between the Technical College System of
Lanier Technical College, part of the Georgia and the University System of Georgia
Technical College System of Georgia, serves (USG) opens the door for students to take
as the leading workforce development 28 general education courses – such as
resource for Jackson, Hall, Banks, Barrow, English, math, psychology, history, and public
Forsyth, Dawson, and Lumpkin counties. speaking – at Lanier Tech and then transfer
Students choose from more than 200 these credits to any USG college or university.
programs in degree, diploma, and certificate Dual enrollment programs are in
pathways, including automotive and partnership with all 10 public school systems
transportation technology; building, electrical in the service area, including Jackson
and manufacturing; business; cybersecurity County, Jefferson City, and Commerce City
and computer technology; engineering; school systems. Students who participate in
healthcare; personal and public service; and dual enrollment receive high school credit
many other programs. and college credit simultaneously, while
Lanier Tech also offers customized attending college classes and without paying
business and industry training, economic for tuition, fees, or textbooks.
development services, continuing education The University of North Georgia (UNG) has
for technical and professional development, nearly 20,000 students on five campuses
and adult education services leading to and online. It is one of the state’s largest
completion of a GED. public universities. The University offers more
For the past five years, Lanier Tech than 140 programs, including certificates,
has had a 100 percent job placement rate, associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees,
meaning 100 percent of its graduates and professional doctorate programs.
Jackson County Area Chamber of Commerce | | (706) 387-0300 Education 31