Page 33 - Outdoor Life in Kershaw County
P. 33

On The Trail

There are many options for exploration at the Battle of Camden
hiking trails. Begin your walk at the parking area and kiosk. Because
there are five separate trails and other old roadbeds, it’s recommend
that you examine the map at the kiosk, or download the map at

          Flat Rock            Battle of Camden
            Road                  Hiking Trails

Western                   parking
 Hiking                area & kiosk
0.6 mile

                                    Hiking Trail

                                      0.6 mile

             West       Great          East
          Battlefield   Road        Battlefield
             Loop      0.4 mile        Trail
           0.7 mile                  0.7 mile

                        Flat Rock

                       (to Camden)

                                                 - 31 -
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38