Page 24 - Lillington NCG 2024
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Cape Fear Valley Cancer Center
For example, students in Campbell Harnett Health will soon offer behavioral
University’s Jerry M. Wallace School of health services for adolescents with a
Osteopathic Medicine, the first and only dedicated specialized care team. John
osteopathic medical school in North Bigger, Corporate Director of Psychiatric
Carolina, will travel just four miles to the Services, said, “As more of our youth
new medical office building and specialty
struggle with mental health, we are eager to
practices at Central Harnett Hospital’s
bring adolescent behavioral health services
campus to complete a clinical rotation
to Harnett County so children and teens will
versus longer commutes to surrounding
have family close by while working on their
area health systems.
behavioral well-being.”
Behavioral Health Although outpatient behavioral
health services will be offered first, a
In August 2023, Harnett Health expanded
16-bed inpatient facility for adolescent
its footprint in Lillington with the purchase behavioral health is scheduled to open in
of 26 additional acres across 11 lots in
Medical Care Transformed Brightwater Technology Park from the the fall of 2025.
Lillington residents and visitors can look
Harnett County Economic Development
Partnership. This is where the hospital and forward to urgent and comprehensive care
Cancer Center, behavioral health and other specialties coming to new cancer center live. for all here at home.
Central Harnett Hospital
By Lydia Cobb Bringing Hope Home to Harnett County
A s you enter the campus of Central incorporate state-of-the-art features, The estimated cost of the medical arts building is about $36 million. Of that, the
Treatments at the Cancer Center will
Harnett Hospital, you can see
Cancer Center will cost about $17 million. Funding for the building is expected to
that construction is underway on including a linear accelerator (LINAC) come from equity and philanthropic support spearheaded by the Harnett Health
a grand, new building. A transformative targeted radiation therapy treatment, campaign called Bringing Hope Home to Harnett County.
three-story Medical Office Building and CT scanning, 16 infusion chairs, private If you are interested in participating, please contact Scott Childers, Executive
Cancer Center is expected to open for rooms, and even dedicated office space Director at Harnett Health Foundation at or call
patients in Winter 2024, making a full 910-766-7119.
for volunteers. A meaningful component
spectrum of cancer care – including
is the inclusion of tranquil garden views
radiation oncology services on site –
during infusion treatments.
accessible in Lillington without having to
drive to bigger cities out of town.
Medical Arts Services L-R: Scott Childers, Executive
Director, Harnett Health
Plans for the Medical Arts Building
Cancer Center Foundation; Brad Heath,
include specialties such as orthopaedics;
“I am grateful to be able to financially Chair-Elect, Harnett Health
ear, nose and throat; a surgical clinic;
support a cause that is near and dear Foundation; Dr. P.K. Vyas,
neurology; cardiology; and rheumatology.
to my heart: rural health,” said P.K. Founder, East Carolina Medical
Vyas, MD, founder of Eastern Carolina Center; and Cory Hess,
Elevating Medical Education
Medical Center in Benson. His pledge for President, Harnett Health
Local patients will benefit and medical
$500,000 will be celebrated by naming
the waiting room in his honor. “It is my education and the attraction of top-notch
hope this donation will give everyone the specialists will soar. Medical students will
opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and have direct access to the latest in cancer
survive cancer.” care medicine and medical arts specialties.
22 Medical Care Transformed Lillington Area Chamber of Commerce