Page 25 - Lillington NCG 2024
P. 25
Economic Development
An ideal place to live and work
W hen it comes to economic Location and People Commerce. “With its strategic location,
supportive community, and continued
development, the quality of life is
highly important. Who would not Welcome to Harnett County, North growth opportunities, Lillington is the
Carolina’s 23rd largest county with a
want to live where you can kayak on the perfect place for companies to come write
population of 139,578.
Cape Fear River which runs through the their stories.”
“Uniquely situated in the heart of
heart of the county? You can enjoy vistas Lillington’s proximity to the Research
Harnett County, Lillington is an ideal place
and sunsets at Raven Rock State Park; play Triangle region, downtown Raleigh,
golf on award-winning courses; visit a zoo to do business,” said Angie Stewart, Senior Fayetteville, Fort Liberty, and the extensive
and animal sanctuary; and hold hands with Economic Developer with Harnett County transportation network, including the
your loved one on a special night out in an Economic Development, and a board intersection of I-95 and I-40, stimulates
inviting downtown. member with Lillington Area Chamber of companies to thrive.
910-893-3751 • Economic Development 23