Page 26 - Lillington NCG 2024
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Central Carolina Community College
But more than company success, efforts in North Carolina and has prepared
it’s about the people – the employees, for investment in a growing economy.
employers, and residents – who find that
Harnett County offers richly balanced Harnett County highlights include:
public schools, higher education, excellent • A regional workforce of
healthcare, lower than average housing 1,077,330 people.
costs, and a quality of life that includes • A cost of living at 90.8% which is
fresh riverine breezes and collective
nearly 10% less than the national
cultural experiences.
average and 4.4% less than North
Harnett County is a place where the
Carolina’s average.
spirit of community is part of everyday life.
• Contiguous to the 1st, 6th, and
Here, in this vibrant corner of the state,
9th largest counties in the state
community isn’t just a part of who we are;
(Wake, Cumberland, and Johnston).
it’s the cornerstone upon which we build
• Ranked in the top 20% of all U.S.
our future.
counties for agricultural revenue.
Harnett County continues to respond
to the needs associated with being
Top Industries
among the fastest-growing counties and truck equipment to name a few. The Education & Workforce Training
Harnett County is attractive to a variety
in the state. Economic development presence of major manufacturers, as well Harnett County has a thriving
strategies and activities are focused on of industries. Among our key industries is as a network of smaller enterprises and educational climate preparing students of
real estate/product development, existing manufacturing. The manufacturing sector suppliers, fosters a vibrant ecosystem
all ages for work in a variety of professions.
business and industry, business attraction, in Harnett County encompasses a wide that drives innovation, collaboration, The strength and diversity of Harnett
community and partner engagement, range of industries, including defense, and growth. These companies not only
County’s talent is a result of the expansive
and service delivery. Harnett County is in food processing, manufactured homes, create employment opportunities but
and high-quality education opportunities
the forefront of economic development security entrances, medical devices, also stimulate support services, such as available locally and regionally.
logistics, distribution, and maintenance.
Central Carolina Community College
Harnett County has a strong agricultural
serves three counties – Chatham, Lee, and
heritage and agriculture continues to be Harnett – offering degree, diploma, and
a mainstay for the local economy and certificate opportunities in more than 130
the scenic views within our communities. college-level programs of study and more
Due to its unique geographic region, than 750 curriculum courses across the
Harnett County soils support a diverse three campuses.
array of row crop production with yields Campbell University in nearby
bolstering Harnett to be in the top 20% of Buies Creek, closest to Lillington, is a
U.S. counties for crops such as tobacco, private university offering bachelor’s
sweet potatoes, and nursery production. degrees and post-graduate programs
Commercial poultry and livestock for approximately 5,100 students.
production are also a major contributor to Program offerings include cybersecurity,
the County’s economic impact. More than information technology, and engineering
$251 million in crops, poultry, and livestock specialties. Post-graduate offerings
are grown in Harnett County annually. include a Doctor of Pharmacy and Master’s
World-class healthcare, another major degree in Biomedical Sciences.
employment sector, is delivered by Harnett Harnett County Workforce
Health’s two hospitals: Central Harnett Development and NCWorks Career Center
Hospital in Lillington and Betsy Johnson work to connect employers and talent,
Hospital in Dunn. strengthening the talent pipeline through
24 Economic Development Lillington Area Chamber of Commerce