Page 41 - Montcross Area Chamber NCG
P. 41


                                                                                  New Hospital!

                                                                                  CaroMont Regional Medical
                                                                                  Center - Belmont

                                                                                        brand-new hospital is
                                                                                        opening in early 2025 in the
                                                                                        Belmont region. CaroMont
                                                                                  Regional Medical Center - Belmont
                                                                                  is a 66-bed hospital with an
                                                                                  emergency department, operating
                                                                                  rooms and surgical capabilities, a
                                                                                  labor and delivery unit, and a full
     CaroMont Regional Medical Center - Belmont                                   suite of diagnostic testing and
                                                                                  imaging services. The hospital is
                     Healthcare                                                   adjacent to Belmont Abbey College,
                                                                                  whose Benedictine monks leased
                                                                                  the land for the hospital. The new
                                                                                  hospital is driving development
                      Montcross Area Healthcare                                   in the region with construction of
                                                                                  apartments, medical offices, and
        T     wo anchoring healthcare systems,   was part of CaroMont Health’s commitment     The Belmont location is meeting
                                                                                  commercial spaces.
              CaroMont Health and Atrium
                                            to invest more than $350 million in and
                                                                                  the rising demand for nurses and
              Health, offer hospital and urgent
                                              2525 Court Drive, Gastonia, NC 28054
        care services with specialized providers   around Gaston County.          other healthcare professionals in
        throughout Gaston County.             704-834-2000 |   the Charlotte region. Belmont Abbey
        CaroMont Regional Medical Center                                          College already offers pre-nursing
          CaroMont Regional Medical Center in   CaroMont Regional Medical Center –   and related skills courses and now
        Gastonia is a 476-bed hospital nationally   Mount Holly                   offers bachelor’s and master’s
        recognized for exceptional care and patient     CaroMont Regional Medical Center    degrees to help even more students
        safety. The acute care hospital offers a   – Mount Holly is a 38,000-square-foot   enter the medical field.
        Level III trauma center, Pediatric Care   emergency care center. Services include     The college serves as a pipeline
        Center, nationally accredited Cancer Center,   clinical space for efficient delivery of care,
        a state-of-the-art birthing center and Level   imaging capability including CT, X-ray and   of talent who will train and learn
        III neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The   ultrasound, and laboratory services.  in the hospital next door. Clinical
        hospital is on the Straight “A” for Safety     451 East Charlotte Avenue  rotations will be offered for
        distinction list, which is given to a hospital     Mount Holly, NC 28120  students in addition to the hiring
        with five or more “A” grades in a row.    980-834-2266 |  of additional faculty and staff in
          The new South Tower at CaroMont                                         the nursing programs. The medical
        Regional Medical Center includes four   Atrium Health Urgent Care – Belmont  campus is near the crossing of
        floors (one for future development)     Atrium Health Urgent Care – Belmont
        dedicated solely to the treatment of   provides urgent care for sudden    Highway 273 and Interstate 85.
        seriously or critically ill patients. This state-  illnesses and injuries, such as cold and     2000 CaroMont Health Parkway
        of-the-art facility prioritizes care, comfort,   flu symptoms, sprains and minor bone     Belmont, NC 28012
        and safety for patients and care teams, and   fractures, minor cuts, burns, and skin                                                                              37
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