Page 18 - Pickens NCG 2017
P. 18


        Gibbs Gardens
          Gibbs Gardens, located in Ball Ground,
        Georgia, is a green oasis, 220 acres of
        spectacular, landscaped gardens adjacent
        to spring-fed streams, ponds and lakes,
        surrounded by rolling hills and mature
        woodlands. In spring, experience 20 million
        daffodils in bloom. The 40-acre Japanese
        Garden offers beauty in every season. Other
        highlights include roses, rhododendrons,
        hydrangeas, and thousands of daylilies in
        summer. Fall color abounds with more than
        2,000 Japanese maples.
        •  1987 Gibbs Dr., Ball Ground, GA 30107     Manor House at Gibbs Gardens
         (770) 983-1881

                                           Tiger Drive-In                     Pig Pen Family Mud Park
                                             Tiger Drive-In is bridging the gap between     The fun begins where the pavement ends,
                                           the classic past and a bright future. There   at this 70-acre mud racing facility. Bring the
                                           used to be more than 5,500 drive-in theaters   entire family to see the side-by-side fast track
                                           worldwide. Now Tiger Drive-In is one of only   races and join in with the “Run What Cha’
                                           349 left, providing a place to make memories   Brung” division. There’s a class for just about
                                           that you simply can’t find anymore.  everyone so come see what all the talk
                                           Experience the movies from your car like the   is about.
                                           “old days” but with the benefits of modern   • 865 Pig Pen Rd., Ball Ground, GA 30107
                                                                                (404) 430-8771
                                           amenities such as high quality digital
                                           projection, all-grass terraces, FM broadcasts,            Pig Pen Family Mud Park
                                           outdoor speakers, Pandora pre-show music,
                                           Wi-Fi, and the delicious TDI Grill.   Cherokee Valley Ranch
                                             The drive-in accepts credit cards, is pet     Cherokee Valley Ranch is a family fun des-
                                           friendly, has a playground for the kids and   tination. They offer zip lines, snow tubing and
                                           so much more! Camping is allowed on the   tobogganing, hay rides, picnic areas, and
                                           grounds. Contact the drive-in for special events  much more! Open seasonally from April 1-
                                           including birthday parties, proposals and more. October 31, Tues.-Sun., 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
                                           • 2756 Old U.S. Hwy. 441 S., Tiger, GA 30576  •  909 Upper Salem Church Rd., Jasper, GA 30143
                                             (404) 680-5066                     (706) 692-9277

          Mountain Conservation Trust of Georgia

            Mountain Conservation Trust of   recreational use. Its community-based
          Georgia (MCT) is a Jasper-based non-profit   projects include a long-standing partnership
          land trust founded in 1991. Its mission is   with Pickens County to establish the Burnt
          the permanent conservation of the natural   Mountain Preserve, nearly 1,110 acres of
          resources and scenic beauty of the North   public lands with a complex of hiking trails;     In 2008, MCT became the first nationally
          Georgia Mountains and foothills. To date,   and collaborating with the Jasper Rotary   accredited land trust in Georgia, and in
          MCT has facilitated the permanent protection   Club and Pickens County to create Roper
          of nearly 4,600 acres in this region.  Park in Jasper.             2014 was among the first in the nation to be
            MCT works with private landowners,     MCT is a membership-based organization   awarded renewed accreditation. Accreditation
          partner organizations, and local   that also offers educational opportunities   assures the public that MCT adheres to the
          communities to preserve important   designed to increase community awareness   highest ethical and professional standards
          conservation resources for future generations,  of the importance of conserving the   and is worthy of its trust.
          including protecting lands that will enhance  region’s natural resources. Programs include   •  P.O. Box 53, Jasper, GA 30143
          water quality, preserve wildlife habitat   guest lectures, guided hikes and paddles,     (706) 253-4077
          and increase lands available for public   workshops, and others. or

                                        T he O fficial G uide & Membership D ir ec t or y •  w w w .pick enschamber .com  •  (706) 692-5600
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