Page 15 - Pickens NCG 2017
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& AT TR A C TIONS Listed as the Pink Palace on the National
Register of Historic Places, this beautiful and
The Old Pickens County Jail
This circa 1906 building on the National romantic facility is a wonderful place for an
Register of Historic Places features a marbled indoor or outdoor wedding, special event and
front with hanging gallows. In use until1982, Christmas tours. The home is an excellent
the jail is now open weekends from 2-5 p.m. example of the Second Renaissance Revival
except December, January and Easter Sunday. style, which is an adaptation of Italian and
• 141 N. Main St., Jasper, GA 30143 English classical styles.
(706) 253-1141 Named one of the top “must-see” places
Quinton-Kirby Cabin in Georgia by Georgia Magazine, the beautiful
This cabin was built next to the Old Jail by pink marble mansion is one of the most
Stephen and Mary Ann Kirby in the 1860s. photographed privately owned homes in
It is furnished with 19th-century furnishings Georgia. It was built as a personal home by
and household tools. Open weekends from Colonel Sam Tate, land baron, philanthropist
2-5 p.m. except December, January and and business tycoon. For more information,
Easter Sunday.
Oglethorpe Monument
In 1930, this 42-foot marble monument Pickens County Marble Museum
was erected atop Mount Oglethorpe in Pickens The Pickens County Marble Museum is a
County in honor of James Oglethorpe, founder great place to start your exploration of Pickens
of the commonwealth of Georgia. During County, as marble is known as this county’s
the next 60 years, the monument suffered “white gold.” Take a self-guided tour of the
environmental damage and vandalism. In the history of marble in Georgia at this museum,
late 1990s, it was restored by world-famous which is open year-round at the Nelson
sculptor Eino. In 1999, the monument was City Hall.
Oglethorpe Monument re-erected on Main Street in Jasper across from • 1985 Kennesaw Ave., Nelson, GA 30151
the Old Pickens County Jail. (770) 735-2211
12 T he O fficial G uide & Membership D ir ec t or y • w w w .pick enschamber .com • (706) 692-5600