Page 20 - Pickens NCG 2017
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                     Wineries: Get Your Grape On, In Pickens County

                      Located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains,our wineries offer a picturesque setting
                            to enjoy the day touring, sipping, and toasting to relaxation in Pickens County.

        Cartecay Vineyards                 Chateau Meichtry Family           Engelheim Vineyards
          Cartecay Vineyards was established in   Vineyard & Winery            From the first vines planted in 2009
        2007, and ten years later it has become a     Chateau Meichtry Family Vineyard &   to today, Engelheim Vineyards has been
        favorite destination for award-winning fine   Winery is a family-owned and operated   focusing on growing outstanding grapes to
        wines and great events, including live music   vineyard and winery in the beautiful   produce the highest quality wines. A north
        every weekend of the year. The Tasting Barn   foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.   Georgia treasure, this beautiful vineyard and
        and Chimney Patio are both refurbished   The rolling hills provide a perfect location   winery offers a variety of award-winning
        circa 1890s structures and provide for a   for growing quality wine grapes. Come out   wines to satisfy every palate. The winery
        variety of events: wine tastings, live music,   for a tasting or a glass, while enjoying the   is open for tastings seven days a week
        dinners, weddings and annual festivals; the   beautiful scenery, and on weekends enjoy   including tours by appointment. Engelheim
        Crush Festival and the Red, Wine & Blues   live music entertainment from a great array   is also a beautiful venue for hosting
        Festival. Open seven days a week.  of Georgia musicians.             weddings and other special events.
        •    5790 Clear Creek Rd.          •   1862 Orchard Ln.              •   127 Lakeview Rd.
            Ellijay, GA 30536                Talking Rock, GA 30175            Ellijay, GA 30540
            (706) 698-9463                     (706) 502-1608                   (706) 635-9463

                                                                    Sharp Mountain Vineyards & Winery
                                                                      At 1,500 feet, on five acres of rocky, alluvial soil, Sharp
                                                                    Mountain Vineyards is perfectly situated for doing what it
                                                                    does best: handcrafting fine wines in the old-world fashion.
                                                                    This unique vineyard, established in 1995, was built on one
                                                                    simple principle: that the finest wines come from the finest
                                                                    fruits. Sharp Mountain Vineyards proudly produces
                                                                    11 varieties of the region’s finest wines. Call for private
                                                                    tastings and events.
        Fainting Goat                                               •    110 Rathgeb Tr.
        Vineyards & Winery                                              Jasper, GA 30143
          Why “Fainting Goat?” Like goats,                              (770) 735-1210
        the operators of this boutique vineyard
        happily tend to a mountainous land.
        And, they put the word “fainting” in
        front of it because fainting goats are fun
        and whimsical - and that is how wine
        tasting should be. This vineyard, nestled
        up against the southeast side of Burnt
        Mountain, is the basis for handcrafted
        wines grown from the finest certified
        French vines. Come for the wine, stay
        for the view. The vineyard is a favorite
        wedding and events venue, as well.
        •  201 Vineyard Way
            Jasper, GA 30143
            (706) 692-9463

                                        T he O fficial G uide & Membership D ir ec t or y •  w w w .pick enschamber .com  •  (706) 692-5600
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