Page 36 - Pickens NCG 2017
P. 36


                                                                             Bent Tree
                                                                               Approximately one hour north of Atlanta,
                                                                             this year-round gated residential and recre-
                                                                             ational community of approximately 1,000
                                                                             gracious mountain homes and weekend cabins
                                                                             is nestled among 3,500 acres of rolling hills,
                                                                             coves, streams, cliffs, and waterfalls. As one of
                                                                             the South’s premier communities, Bent Tree
                                                                             features some of the finest and most affordable
                                                                             amenities in the region.
               The Preserve
                                                                             Big Canoe
        Life in the Appalachian Mountains                                      This 7,000-acre forested mountain commu-
                                                                             nity straddles Pickens and Dawson counties
                                                                             and offers a wide variety of resort amenities.
                                                                             In addition to the permanent homes, there
        L        iving in the foothills of the   your budget as well. Pickens County’s median   are full convention facilities and rental cabins

                                                                             that make it a popular site for meetings and
                 Appalachian Mountains means
                                           home value is $175,000, and according to
                 fresh, country air and beautiful
                                           Sperling’s Best Places, it’s a good time to buy
                                           because home appreciation has gone up 5.9%
                 mountain scenery coupled with
        progressive towns and abundant opportunities.  in the last year.     Cost of Living
          Pickens County real estate reveals a variety     For those not ready to settle into a home,     The cost of living in Pickens County is
        that seems as endless as the mountain horizon.  apartments with a variety of amenities are   nearly 6 percent lower than the U.S. average.
        Whether you’re a first-time home buyer   available as well as homes for rent. The   The cost of living index tracks the cost of
        looking for a home on a starter budget or you   median gross rent per month in Pickens   retail goods and services, groceries, healthcare,
        are looking for your luxury, dream house, you   County is $833.      housing, transportation and utilities. Since
        will find it all in Pickens County.     Visit for a list of   Goods and Services are a necessity regardless
          Not only will you find a variety of homes   real estate agents who will find the right home  of location, that index is a good indicator of
        to meet your taste, but you will find they meet   for you. Welcome home to the mountains.   the general cost of living. The cost of retail

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